Saving lots of time with my new washing machine

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Recently my husband surprised me with the grand gesture—a new HE steam washer/dryer!  I haven’t been caught up on laundry since my mother-in-law last visited.  It was even worse this summer because we had company quite often and had extra towels, swimsuits, etc. to wash.  I swear our clothes reproduce like Gremlins overnight.   My husband surprised me by getting me a really great set that washes/dries about 3x the amount of clothes that my old set did.   It makes things go so much more quickly!!    I don’t mind doing the laundry, but it’s so helpful when the task is done a bit quicker.  I’m saving lots of time with my new washing machine and dryer. 

Since this was an unexpected purchase I didn’t get to research appliances the way I would normally have done.   I’m really happy with the set we bought, though.  And speaking of appliances, did you see the flutter of fairy wings as your page loaded?  The Fairy Hobmother from Appliances Online has been here!   He dropped by with a big surprise—an Amazon gift card!!  Oh, Fairy Hobmother, you made my day.  Thanks so much for the sprinkle of Fairy Dust.  I’ll save it for Christmas and sprinkle the dust on my sweet little ones.



Check this out….


  1. I am so jealous!

  2. Amanda-The Frugal Greenish Mama says

    I hadn’t seen him visit in a while-great to see him back! Heading on our first family vacation in over five years and would so love a visit 🙂 I think what he does is amazing and so kind!

    I would love a visit someday when you have time. You can find me @
    Amanda-The Frugal Greenish Mama recently posted…Educational Fun with Geo Puzzles and Elli from @Oompatoys #NGFamilyMy Profile

  3. Yay for new washing machines…and the much loved Fairy Hobmother 🙂

  4. ashleigh walls says

    LOVE the fairyhob mother! Been dying for a visit someday 🙂 Sounds like your husband got you a great gift too!

  5. Holly (Woman Tribune) says

    When we bought our house, it came with brand new, top of the line appliances. I was, and still am, in appliance heaven. I had become so used to the washer and dryer we were using at my fiance’s parent’s house (apartment living meant no washer and dryer at our place) that I was completely flabbergasted when the new HE washer and dryer in my house was doing more laundry in half the time. I do not miss apartment living or old washer and dryers one bit!

  6. Becca - the ABC kidZ says

    I’ve heard so many good things about the Fairy Hobmother! Hope he comes to visit me too 🙂

  7. Ashley Montgomery says

    Congrats on the new washer and dryer!!! And the gift card!

    Ashley @ Dr. Pepper Diva
    Ashley Montgomery recently posted…*Giveaway* YumOrganics CandyMy Profile

  8. Allyson Bossie says

    I have seen wonderful things about the Fairy Hobmother! I must say I am very happy for you with your new appliances AND Amazon Card. I can also invite the Fairy to please visit me ANYTIME!

  9. That’s so awesome! Congrats on the new washer and dryer! I can never stay on top of our laundry! haha
    Emilee recently posted…YumEarth Organic Candy Giveaway (ends 8/24)My Profile

  10. Congrats on the new appliances! I know all about the laundry multiplying overnight – the elves fix shoes for the shoemaker, bake cookies for Keebler… they just make a mess here LOL

  11. My daughter is always seeing fairies around our house. Perhaps the Fairy Hobmother will want to visit too!

  12. Patricia Hancock says

    I could use a visit from the Fairy Hobmother in the form of a new dishwasher. lol

  13. Tamra Augostino says

    I really need a new washing machine and dryer. My clothes take forever to wash and especially dry. So jealous that you got a new set.

  14. JanetGoingCrazy says

    We need a new washer and dryer so bad! We need a lot of things in our run down rental house, actually…Congrats on the Amazon money!

    JanetGoingCrazy recently posted…Escucha Means Listen by Talia Aikens-Nuñez {Review & Book Tour}My Profile

  15. Kristyn Martin says

    Congrats on your visit from the Fairy Hobmother! I would love it if he stopped by and visited me!

  16. Kathy (Kangaroo Mama) says

    Wow, congrats on a new washing machine! We do tons of laundry at our house too since we cloth diaper and between just washing clothes for the family, I have to do 4 extra loads a week of just diapers!!! So I totally understand about saving time with a better washing machine, I’d like a new one too, I think it could make life a little easier!
    Kathy (Kangaroo Mama) recently posted…Photo Contest Now Open For Public Voting-Ends 1/7My Profile

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