Best Buy Education can transform the classroom! #FETC2015

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Disclosure: The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free. 

During my 6th grade year, our school established its first computer lab.  I vividly remember learning to type and, in our fun time, playing Oregon Trail on the white one-piece computers.  When I became a teacher, I realized just how progressive that must have been for my school system.  In my 17 years of teaching in the middle school classroom, the face of technology has dramatically changed.   When I walked into my first classroom, it was exciting to have a board on which I could use chalk AND dry-erase markers.  It required massive elbow grease to clean so I rarely used anything other than chalk.  I also regularly used an overhead projector in my math classes, evidenced by the perpetual rainbow of dry erase marker ink on my wrist.  These days the modern classroom uses multi-media such as SmartBoards, projectors, digital cameras, iPads, and more.  The goal is the same; we all want to reach students to help them grow to become lifelong learners.  Best Buy is my go-to shop for all things entertainment and technology at home. Doesn’t it make sense that Best Buy would have the best options for tech in the classroom, too?

Best Buy in the classroom #ad @BestBuyEdu  @FETC #FETC  #FETC2015

Whether you have a child in your local school system or if you just contribute through your tax dollars, isn’t it nice to know that Best Buy offers the best tech tools to help children succeed?  Having the latest devices isn’t helpful if the school doesn’t know how to effectively use those resources.  Best Buy offers professional support that lasts from purchase to implementation via a dedicated Education Account Manager.  This knowledgeable advice is so valuable when it comes to utilizing technology in the classroom!  You may not realize how much time is invested in guiding teachers and students through the constantly evolving technology that enters the school doors each year.  It’s not a matter of just obtaining the technology.  Charging carts, extra devices, printers, and more need to be considered when it’s time to use technology in the classroom. Administrators also need to have a strong technology backbone so that they can assist teachers with their needs. It’s a relief to know that Best Buy provides such thorough service!  Their options are appropriate for education at all levels, from preschool to college.

Best Buy in the classroom #ad @BestBuyEdu  @FETC #FETC  #FETC2015

Are you attending the FETC in Orlando, January 20-23?  If so, be sure to stop by the Best Buy Education Booth #131.  They’ll have exciting learning opportunities available for educators, including daily demos and guest speakers.  Best Buy wants to help you meet your school’s technology needs. Their reputation for excellent customer service doesn’t waver in the educational realm.  Their representatives offer unbiased assistance to help your school maximize its technology budget.  Let Best Buy be your education technology partner.  They’ll help you build the right solution for your school or office.

Best Buy in the classroom #ad @BestBuyEdu  @FETC #FETC  #FETC2015


Check this out….


  1. Sherry Compton says

    I love that they are offering more education, training, and advice than just buying help. This is great for all ages.

  2. I love all of the stuff that Best Buy offers to make education and training more fun. They are definitely the best!

  3. I used to be in educational sales for computer products. I’d choose Best Buy over every single other major legit competitor in that market with no qualms.

  4. I didn’t realize they were so involved in the education spectrum. Guess it makes sense, they must just do it without much fanfare.
    Scott recently posted…It Takes a VillageMy Profile

  5. I love the things that best Buy is making available to help educate our kids in the classroom! With the way society is now, we can’t go back to the old age of no electronics in schools. They need to be more electronically minded, so it’s awesome to know quality places like Best Buy are helping to make that happen.

  6. I would love to go and visit the Best Buy Education booth. Technology and learning go hand in hand these days.

  7. I remember playing Oregon Trail at school! Ah, memories…

  8. Ha! We had those boards that could use chalk and dry erase markers that were impossible to clean.

  9. Natalie Nichols says

    It’s crazy to think of how much our classrooms have changed (for the better) since we were kids!!

  10. This is great especially since so much revolves around tech now. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Things have come such a long way since our school days! I like that kids have the opportunity to learn using technology!

  12. Michelle Elizondo says

    Im pro education! And this is a great read! thanks for sharing.

  13. Michelle Elizondo says

    That is great to know!

  14. Andrea Johnson says

    I never knew they had this!!!

  15. Susan Broughton says

    I didn’t know they had this with Best Buy! I think that anything that helps with education is a big plus in my book!

  16. Susan Broughton says

    Anything that helps students to learn I am pro for! I think we should do more things for our educational system!

  17. I love that best buy actually helps with anything you purchase too! I love knowing that if I need them they are willing to help!

  18. Sherry Compton says

    It’s amazing how technology has grown in the classroom and society. In our libraries, we now have wifi, computers, a kids computer programmed with a few educational, reading projects, and have even discussed doing iPad checkouts while you are in the library.

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