You should visit Busch Gardens – even in the rain

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Disclosure: I received complimentary Busch Gardens tickets.  Post contains affiliate links; if you make a purchase through these links, it helps to pay for giveaways like this one. Opinions shared are mine.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to rent out an entire amusement park, having it all to yourself for the day?  Now I know what that feels like!

At several points in our spring break trip to Williamsburg, VA, the universe seemed to conspire against us. Both kids got the flu. We had to change hotel rooms three times.  The weather imploded on itself by the end of our trip.  It was a sopping wet day when we headed to Busch Gardens.  My husband was ready to bail, but the kids and I gathered up our ponchos and insisted on going.  We are so glad we did!  

Apparently, most people agreed with my husband and didn’t want to head out in the rain that day.  This was the parking lot when we arrived shortly after the park opened.  It was almost completely empty.  In fact, we parked in the very first spot in the first row!  That has never happened to us in the history of traveling anywhere.

Despite the rain, Busch Gardens was gloriously beautiful.  The floral displays were amazing, and the individual park areas had so many interesting features. I wanted to stop and get photos of each one.  My children just wanted to ride the coasters!  Lucky for us, there were absolutely NO lines at any rides. That’s right…we didn’t wait in line a single time during our day!

Our first stop was to the Kidsiderate height check center.  The employees measured my son’s height so we’d know which rides were safe for him.  What a time saver!

Ironically, the water rides were closed on the day we visited.  However, there were so many other rides to choose from, we didn’t mind.  My kids rode several coasters multiple times each.  Sometimes the operators allowed them to stay on the ride and enjoy it again and again.  It was unbelievable!  On many rides, my kids were the only passengers.  They felt like royalty!  One employee told us that the park usually admits 20,000 guests per day.  On the day we visited, 400 people entered the park.  In fact, they ended up closing the park a few hours early in anticipation of the storms that arrived later that night.

Our ponchos kept us dry throughout the drizzle and light rain.  Several times throughout the day, the rain would stop for a while then come back with a vengeance.  When that happened, we ducked into a shop or restaurant for shelter.  I was impressed that the Busch Gardens employees were constantly mopping up water to make sure the floor was safe and dry for guests.

The rain didn’t stop us from enjoying the day. In fact, we enjoyed this day more than any other theme park visit!  It was the highlight of our trip.  I would definitely be excited to head back, despite a gloomy weather forecast.

The one thing we missed seeing — the animal exhibits.  I didn’t realize that Busch Gardens cares for so many rehabilitated animals.  I’d like to go back and learn more about their animal preservation efforts. There is so much potential for educational experiences at Busch Gardens. You could link many of these attractions to Common Core standards. Just in the realm of Social Studies, I could come up with lesson plans based around the geography and historical references in the park. The whole park was rich with educational opportunity.

Though he didn’t want to stand in the rain all day, my husband was a good sport about it.  Even when I threw out our ponchos, thinking the rain had stopped long enough for us to get home, then we got HEAVILY drenched — he wasn’t angry with me.  What a man!

Savings in Seconds wants to say “Thank you!” to Busch Gardens for providing tickets for our family. Opinions shared are mine.

Check this out….


  1. I love riding the rides at theme parks! I love rollercoasters especially.

  2. Melissa Storms says

    I am not a huge fan of rides except water rides. I do love theme park and fair foods though, I love trying whatever new concoction is available.

  3. Charlotte says

    I like visiting the animal exhibits.

  4. Lisa Williams says

    My favorite thing would be the animal exhibits,I don’t go on rides because I get queasy but I love to look around and explore, try some of the food,look in the shops.

  5. I like to ride a really scary roller coaster.

  6. Connie Lee says

    I like walking around looking at everything, and if they have shows, I like to see them.

  7. Steve Weber says

    Walking around and looking at the animals.

  8. I get pretty sick going on the rides, so what I enjoy most is the shows – like water skiing. I also just love walking around and enjoying the flowers…beautifully done!

  9. jacqueline viera says

    i love the thrill of the rides!

  10. Tiffany S says

    I like going on the roller coasters.

  11. I enjoy the rides and time with my family.

  12. elcane desir says

    just being around family and exploring new things would be about my favorite thing to do

  13. Cheryl B says

    We enjoy the rides and landscaping around the parks.

  14. We love walking around and enjoying the food and all the fun surrounding us

  15. Wendy R. says

    I like exhibits and shows and just walking around!

  16. I love taking pictures!

  17. Dan Dykstra says

    I’m interested in the different shows. Maybe a ride here and there.

  18. Vicki Wurgler says

    I love the food and exhibits-I do not go on the rides

  19. Susan Smith says

    I enjoy the riding the rides

  20. I love going on the roller coasters. And for parks like Busch Gardens and Animal Kingdom, I love walking through the animal exhibits and doing the safari and/or train ride (depending on the park).

  21. Bryan Vice says

    I love riding the rids with my kids

  22. I am not a big ride person so I like to eat the “fair food.”

  23. Cynthia R says

    My favorite thing to do at a theme park like Busch Gardens is to ride some roller coasters!

  24. Cheryl Chervitz says

    I like walking around and eating the food.

  25. Jeanna Massman says

    I would love to take my grandson to Busch Gardens. I think he would love it!

  26. Margaret Appel says

    I’d love to visit Busch Gardens, I’ve never been! It looks like a lot of fun, altho I don’t do the rides. I just like to walk around & people watch! The Animal exhibits look interesting too!

  27. Kayla Klontz says

    I love the rides, the food, everything. I’d love to visit.

  28. Calvin F. says

    Very nice place. We have a place similar to this here.

  29. What’s a little rain if you can have a fun day like that.

  30. (You should visit Busch Gardens – even in the rain) This place sure sounds like a great time. But for me it would be a lot of walking involved. I use to go on a lot of the rides like these when I was younger, now days the motion stuff makes me dizzy.

  31. Emily Benzing says

    I’m a huge amusement park person, so I’ve always wanted to go to Busch Gardens. It looks super fun! I love rollercoasters and anything fun and fast

  32. How fun to get to enjoy the park basically empty!

  33. I never thought of going to any park like this in the rain. I kept thinking of being cold and shivering until I get warm. When I was young, I didn’t think twice about playing in the rain – it rocked!
    I don’t like waiting in lines either. It takes up my fun time! Busch Gardens is beautiful! Rain or no rain. As a matter of fact, I would love the smell of fresh flowers and plants life! Thank you for sharing your experiences!

  34. kathy pease says

    I did visit Busch Gardens on vacation when I was a teen and we had the best time.

  35. Buddy Garrett says

    I have never been to Busch Gardens. It sounds like a great place to take the family.

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