Your comment matters! Make a blogger happy today.

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Why your blog comment matters + #giveaway at You might wonder why bloggers are always asking for comments.  Browsing through blogs is fun, and sometimes there’s just enough time to read a post but not enough time to leave a comment.  I get that.  To bloggers, though, your comment means a lot!  Here are 5 big reasons why your blog comment matters.  

1. We feel less like a 1980’s economics teacher.  When you comment, we realize that we’re not writing for the crickets.


2.  It creates a sense of community.  Other readers like to read your comments, too.   It also helps bring out those who might be too shy to jump into the bloggy world.

3.  Your comment helps us to learn what our readers want to see on our blog.  For example, if there are many comments on a Disney post, I’m more likely to post about it again because I know my readers want to read about it.

4.  Comments help brands and sponsors to connect with us (and you!)  That allows us to bring you great content, giveaways, and barrels of fun.

5.  Google pays attention to your comments, too.  When you leave a comment that’s at least 2 full sentences, with NO links, it makes Google happy. Which makes us happy!  Comments affect things like pageviews, time on pages, bounce rates, and all kinds of analytic mumbo-jumbo that most normal people don’t care anything about……except if you’re a blogger.  Then you care.

So, you see?  Your comments are kind of like typewritten superheroes.  I receive many kind emails and comments that brighten my day.  I blog for fun, and the comments really do help me to enjoy my time online.  I hope it does the same for you, too.

Do you usually leave comments on blogs you visit? 


Check this out….


  1. I frequently read blogs but don’t always comment but will do so more often

  2. I do read a lot of posts on blogs, but don’t often leave comments. After reading this post, I will try to comment more. I appreciate the time the blogger is putting in to the post, and should let them know.


  1. […] check out these great blogs. Let them know that you visited by leaving a comment — remember, your comment matters! This giveaway is open to readers WW who have an Amazon account/can receive an Amazon e-gift code. […]

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