What’s in YOUR emergency preparedness kit ?

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I received product samples to facilitate this post.  The opinions shared here are 100% mine.

Today I want to share some cool products to add to your emergency preparedness kit — you do have one, right?   Don’t be ashamed if you don’t, because we didn’t have one either.  When the recent F-5 tornado swept through Oklahoma, it opened our country’s eyes to the helplessness one feels after a natural disaster.  While we can’t change what the weather will bring, we CAN take measures to prepare for it.

We recently had a tornado warning near our area and my daughter sprang into action.  She decided that we needed to head down to the basement and take cover.  First, though, she wanted to take the survival kit.  I was embarrassed to admit to her that we didn’t have one.  She got on her iPad and found a list telling her what to put together.  Here’s what she came up with:

What's in YOUR emergency preparedness kit?  savingsinseconds.com Hmmmm….something tells me this is not going to get us very far.  Fortunately for us, the tornado warning never reached our county.  We have a little more time to put together a proper emergency kit.  According to the TIME article I read about the May 31 disaster, residents only had 16 minutes’ warning to prepare for the arrival of the fatal tornado.   Sixteen minutes….I spend longer than that on a Pinterest binge.   It’s going to take a few hours, days, or even weeks to get a kit prepared for our family.    While you can find many lists that tell you what to pack in your kit, here are a few cool products that I plan to keep in ours.

Truckers Friend belongs in your Emergency Preparedness Survival kit.  savingsinseconds.com One thing that I really look for in a tool is multi-purpose use.  That’s why Trucker’s Friend is so appealing.  When it arrived, my husband couldn’t keep his hands off it.   I was a little jealous, actually.  He kept turning it over in his hand, saying how useful this would be.  He wants to keep it in his car and get another for my car.  I have to admit, it is a really well-designed tool.   It has a blade (not too sharp) that could be used to chop wood or even break through a window if necessary.  It has a pry bar and lever; it can be used to hammer and pull nails as well.  Caught in a blizzard?  Use Trucker’s Friend to scrape ice or remove debris from your path.  It also features a spanner, tire chain hook, and wire twist. Trucker’s Friend is pretty heavy so I know it’s durable.  It’s made in the USA so by purchasing this, you’ll be supporting a US company.

Another item we found at the same website is the Blizzard Survival Kit.    We had a very dangerous evening last winter when I found myself stranded in an unexpected snowstorm.  I was ill prepared and worried about my son’s safety in such weather.  So now, I’m planning to keep at least one of these Blizzard Survival Kits in each of our cars.  At only $14.95, this is a bargain price for peace of mind.  I love that the items included in this kit can be stored in a small space.  The kit contains a whistle, warmers for cold hands, an SOS sign, and more.  Finding all of these items separately would take time and driving around to stores.  I love the convenience of this kit.   My husband commutes to work and there’s always the fear that he might get stuck in the snow, so he’ll be getting one 0f these kits for his car, too.

Blizzard Survival Kit is going in my car!! savingsinseconds.com

One more ingredient for our emergency preparedness kit is the hand sanitizer.  In a natural disaster, we may have limited access to clean water.  Keeping germs at bay will be difficult to say the least.  Therefore we will certainly keep a supply of Purell in our survival kits to help us sanitize when times are tough. Purell Advanced is the only hand sanitizer to meet FDA germ kill requirements in a single pump (1.2 mL dispense.)  Wow!! That will make this bottle last while being super effective.   Gone are the days of the headache inducing fumes from hand sanitizers.  Purell has issued several new scents including my favorite sea-inspired scent Ocean Kiss. Of course, I’ll also pack some paper towels or maybe some lightweight kitchen towels (which can be reused.)  We’re also keeping a few of these travel-sized Purell bottles on the backpacks.

PURELL is going in my emergency preparedness kit.  savingsinseconds.com

I know I have a long way to go.  That to-do list seems ever growing, but it’s really important to me that the emergency preparedness kits are stored away before summer’s end.  Be sure to follow these sponsors on their Facebook and Twitter pages so you can catch the news about important updates and special offers.

Do you have your emergency preparedness kits ready to go?  What are some items that you are glad you packed?


Check this out….


  1. Samantha says

    First, LOVE your daughters emergency kit–what a cutie! I have some 72 hour kits, but I need to get a few more things rounded up to put in them. I also want to get a small portable kit for the car. I think a Trucker’s Friend is now on the list for the car kit! Thanks!

  2. I love this! We need to get one for our family.

  3. Anne Alexander says

    We are not paranoid, just prepared.

  4. I would have never thought of the hand sanitizer. Good one!

  5. That reminds me! I need to do ours!


  1. Two Innovation Factory Products Recommended for Emergency Kit - Innovation Factory says:

    […] Read the full article on Savings in Seconds. […]

  2. […] US company.  It has a blade (not too sharp) that could be used to chop wood or even break through a window if necessary.  It has a pry bar and lever; it can be used to hammer and pull nails as well.  […]

  3. […] US company.  It has a blade (not too sharp) that could be used to chop wood or even break through a window if necessary.  It has a pry bar and lever; it can be used to hammer and pull nails as well.  […]

  4. […] June I posted an article about emergency preparedness.  One area that I neglected to address is the need for clean, fresh water in case of an emergency. […]

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