Dare to Be Scared giveaway hop: Oct. 1-14

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Welcome to the Dare to Be Scared giveaway hop. For this giveaway, you have the opportunity to win two fun books that go perfectly with the Halloween season. The first book is How to Rule the World by Jade Hensley. This book is so fun to read….it describes an innocent hoax played by a college kid on her small town friends. The characters are really funny and the interaction between them makes the story even better. This book is valued at $12.99.

The second book offered in this giveaway is Jules of the World: The California Caper by Liz Chaban. Engaging for littler kids, Jules of the world is a fun little paperback. It is a good way to introduce children to the joys of travel. It has a poetic rhyme scheme with a bouncy beat. The giveaway winner will receive this book which is valued at $18.99.


I received copies of these books to review. The opinions posted are 100% mine.

Check this out….


  1. Sarah Coulsey says

    My 6 year old son!!

  2. I would read How to rule the World, my kids would read Jules.

  3. michele pineda says

    myself and my daughter would read them

  4. I would read these.

  5. Michele Behlen says

    Myself and my granddaughter.

  6. Sherry Compton says

    My grand kids would like the books

  7. Sherry Compton says

    I like that the auto seal kids cups are spill proof

  8. krista grandstaff says

    My kids and I would read these πŸ™‚

  9. krista grandstaff says

    I’d love to have a 100% spill and leak proof cup that would last in a backpack…!

  10. I would give them to my nephew for a pressie! πŸ™‚

  11. My daughters would read these.
    The Happy Wife/Danielle Garcia recently posted…Family Friday: Themed movie night and Chore PointsMy Profile

  12. Charity L. says

    I would read these and save them for my daughter.

  13. i would give them to my niece & nephew…they would enjoy the books!

  14. i like the variety of products. i also like the kids stainless steel scout food jar

  15. Gretchen Gerth says

    My nephew would be the reader of these books

  16. for my nephew!

  17. I would read How to rule the World, my nieces and nephew would read Jules

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  18. Dawn Sterner says

    My daughter πŸ™‚

  19. for my nephew.

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