Budgeting and stewardship can start at a very early age….even my 3 year old son is aware of money and has an idea of its value. How valuable a lesson could you teach by using this Financial Peace Junior kit to help your child develop money skills? Junior’s Adventures is a full line of products for kids by Dave Ramsey. Check out all of the Junior books and other Junior products on daveramsey.com.
My parents never taught me about budgeting or the importance of saving; it’s something I figured out along the way (the hard way, might I add.) I would love to help my children navigate these waters before it becomes too deep for them. Financial Peace Junior is just $19.99 with free shipping on any order! Two games are being given away. Each kit is valued at $19.99. The giveaway ends 7/6/12 and is open to US/CAN readers. Good luck!
(Disclosure: I received a sample of this product for review. The opinions are mine.)
Love this; I did not know he had anything like this for children.
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