Dreams & Visions: Understanding and Interpreting God’s Messages to You by Jane Hamon book review

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Dreams and Visions book review - savingsinseconds.com

Disclosure: I received this book to review. Post contains affiliate links; opinions shared are mine.

Dreams have always been a source of fascination for me.  I had high hopes for Dreams & Visions by Jane Hamon, expecting it to be more like a “how to interpret dreams” kind of guide.  It was an easy, short read with some specific guidelines to discern dreams.  However, the format was rather wordy.  There were many stories through which to sort, making it difficult to identify the meat of the information.   Technical terms created by Hamon, along with scientific research, helped to validate the facts from the stories. Additionally, Hamon backs up her statements with biblical truth.

If you’re already interested in dream study, you’ve likely implemented some of Hamon’s suggestions in your life before reading this book.  For example, I have kept a dream journal off-and-on for years.  It’s simple to find patterns in dreams, and distinguishing the “soulish” from the spiritual becomes easier to do with prayer.  There were some strategies she suggested that I may try.

The biggest take-away I carried from Dreams & Visions was the certainty that God does speak to today’s people through these avenues.  While I’ve pondered this before, it seemed more like a “What if?” rather than a truth.  After reading Jane’s thoughts, it seems clear that God communicates with His people through symbolic messages.  Some may scoff at this idea, and I understand the skepticism. However, in light of the other miracles that God performed (and continues to perform), the practice of revealing His will through sleep, or wakeful, visions seems remarkably simple in comparison.  For me, the biggest hurdle is being quiet enough to listen to what He has to say.

Have you ever had a meaningful dream?   disclosure


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  1. Sherry Compton says

    It’s good that you came away with something but too bad it was hard to get to the read information. Dreams are such a wide variety of topics and controversy, but I do think they have meaning.

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