A couple of weeks ago, my van had an appointment for a little TLC. The courtesy van dropped us off at the mall so we could bide the time. Since I do so much of our shopping online these days, we rarely visit the mall anymore. My kids loved walking around, window shopping and getting gumballs out of those little candy machines. It’s the little things in life that make us happy!
While we were there, I realized my phone was out of juice again. Much to my surprise, there was an outlet right in the restroom! Since we take for-stinking-ever in the bathroom anyway, I plugged in my phone while waiting for my kids. As happy as I was to charge my phone, there was an even better freebie at the mall that day!!
As I was sitting there waiting for my phone to wake up, I noticed that the little metal box sporting feminine products had a “free” knob. Seriously??? YES! The mall was looking out for their girls. Now, I wasn’t in need of any of those items on that particular day so I did not take advantage of this kindness. However, I am one of those people who never has cash on hand. If I had to scrounge up 50 cents to buy a sanitary napkin, I’m not sure I could do it without panhandling the food court. So it made me irrationally happy to know that the mall understands this and offered up the goods for free. It’s enough to make me want to shop there more often. My husband might not understand that reasoning, but I know some of you will!
Now that is a freebie that I could have used way back when and am sure many could still use. That would definitely make me want to shop at that mall!!
I wish our malls would do something like this. It seems I never have the cash for items like this when I need them!
If only all malls were so kind. That’s awesome.
They don’t do that in any malls I know of in the UK, wish they did.
A blessing for sure, some are a dollar here !
The outlet doesn’t surprise me since I believe that’s building code. The free tampon does surprise me, I’ve never seen that anywhere else.
Wow! Guess I will have to make a trip to the bathroom on my next mall adventure. 🙂 I had no clue about free tampons. That’s a great idea and very helpful.
I have NEVER seen anything like that!! I can’t believe it. I bet it comes in handy! lol
Wow! that is awesome. I have never seen the free tampons! Have to check our mall out.
Wow! That does surprise me!! I can think of a few times I could’ve used this freebie during my mall walking days 🙂
Great for emergencies! I’ve also seen free diapers at our Ikea by the baby changing area. It’s nice for those oops moments when you’ve forgot to pack what you need!
That is great that Ikea has complimentary diapers. Seriously. I would shop there just because I think that’s it’s so cool that they look out for their customers.
Our malls have charging stations now, it cracks me up but it’s super handy! And yay for freebies- that’s very cool and nothing I’ve seen around here.
This is a great idea! I have never seen one of these before, more places should have these!
I have never seen this! How awesome. I work at a university and you even have to pay for those machines (fortunately, I’ve never had to!).