Funny article for Friday: Target’s manatee dresses for plus sized women

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manatee dress

In case you can’t read the print in the picture, the regular sized dress is called “dark heather gray” and the plus-size version in the same shade is called “manatee gray.”  Plus-sized women do not want to be compared to a manatee. Okay, I get this.  I really do.  I just find it stinking hilarious that they actually called this dress shade “manatee” and people got so upset over it that it has caused this big of a debacle!   I’m chubby myself and thought it was funny. By the way, did you notice that the plus-sized dress is a few dollars cheaper than the regular size?  Now that’s something to cause a stir.  Presumably it has more fabric, weighs more, and would cost more to ship, so why is it cheaper?  It’s one of the mysteries of the world, I guess. People need to lighten up!!   (No pun intended, but that was funny, too!)

What do you think?  Is it worth getting upset over something like this?  Or do you just think life is too short, don’t buy the dress if you’re trying to make a statement?  I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Another mystery of the world to me is WHY won’t my children go to sleep?  How are they so full of energy and I am absolutely dragging myself around, praying that naptime will come.   This is my last real day of spring break.  At 4:00 the weekend turns into just another weekend.  A good nap would make the perfect ending to a wonderful week. Don’t you think?

Check this out….


  1. Hah..I have never heard of a color being refereed to as “Manatee gray”, and I actually did notice the price was cheaper and thought that was odd, because typically, like you said, plus size clothing is more expensive.
    Brooke recently posted…5 Easy Creative Natural HairstylesMy Profile

  2. I say don’t buy the dress- but hat is my opinion! I am team not worry camp.

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