This mom’s take on Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom

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We built our weekend around Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom.

There was family visiting from out of town, a birthday sleepover at a cousin’s house, and all kinds of things going on….plus Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom.  You know we had to fit it in!   

My husband and son watched Jurassic Park for the first time last week!  We were excited to see Fallen Kingdom, and it was a huge hit with us.

Why we liked Fallen Kingdom:

There were very few curse words.  It’s hard to find action movies that don’t use strong profanity.  I loved that Fallen Kingdom was exciting without harsh vocabulary.

Thank goodness for no adult scenes.  I mean, it doesn’t even make sense that people would try to make out in the middle of DinoMageddon.  Some movies try to squeeze it in, though.  Fallen Kingdom had a chaste kiss or two.  What a relief that I didn’t have to cover my kids’ eyes during a family movie.

Dinos weren’t the bad guys.  I didn’t want my children to get the impression that nature is bad.  My son is 9 years old and starting to realize that humans don’t always use their scientific knowledge for good.  Fallen Kingdom stirred compassion in our hearts.  It clearly illustrated that mankind’s abuse of power can result in nature’s downfall.

It was the right length!  Maybe it’s just me, but some movies tend to drag on and on.  Fallen Kingdom was well-paced so that I didn’t feel like we were stuck in a never ending loop.

I highly recommend this movie!

Do you plan to watch Jurassic Park Fallen Kingdom?

Check this out….


  1. My niece would get a kick out of this.
    Thanks for the review.

  2. Dana Rodriguez says

    I was wondering how this movie was. Thanks for the review!

  3. (This mom’s take on Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom) The review was very helpful in reading that you don’t have to worry about this; Thank goodness for no adult scenes. I mean, it doesn’t even make sense that people would try to make out in the middle of DinoMageddon. Some movies try to squeeze it in, though. Fallen Kingdom had a chaste kiss or two. What a relief that I didn’t have to cover my kids’ eyes during a family movie.

  4. Great take on this movie, I heard it did okay. Of course I prefer the classics

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