Getting organized for the 2018 tax season with the Brother P-Touch label printer

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I breathed a sigh of relief when my husband took over the taxes.  Not because I didn’t know how to file them (thank you, tax software!) but it was just one less thing to keep up with.  Far be it from me to complain when he starts asking me for receipts, forms, and other papers that should have been organized long ago are probably sitting in a folder somewhere.  When I was offered a Brother P-Touch label maker to review, it seemed like divine intervention.  Could this be a hint that it’s time to get prepared early? Disclosure: Post contains affiliate links; if you make a purchase through the links, I may earn commission. Opinions shared are mine.  

I received the P-Touch PT-D210 model which, incidentally, is a #1 Bestseller in the label maker category on Amazon.  The device doesn’t come with a power cord or battery pack, so it took me a long time to remember to get batteries for it.  It uses 6 AAA batteries which cost around $4 on sale at Best Buy. Additionally, the tape runs about $4-6 per roll.  I haven’t gotten to the end of the roll, so I’m not sure how long it will last.

The tape cartridge I tried first was too large and the back cover wouldn’t close. The second cartridge fit perfectly.  Lesson learned; make sure to purchase the correct size tape!  It was nice to see that there are different colors available.

It was simple as could be….just type in the message and click print!  I had the option to print multiple copies, too.  There was a lot of waste on both ends of the label.  In the future, I’ll make a list of the labels needed and will print them at once — that way, the labels can be manually cut without wasting too much on the ends.  There are several decorative icons available, too.  Wish I’d saved the manual so I could easily find the ones I liked best!

Keeping track of 2017 tax information will be so much more fun with this label printer.  Next, I think I’ll get the labels that can stick to clothing.  Maybe I can get the kids involved in the fun with the promise that they can push the print button!

What would you label with the PT-D210? 

Thanks to Brother for sending me this printer! 

Check this out….


  1. I don’t have this exact one but an older model, use it all the time!

  2. That’s a label printer on steroids. So much fancier than the one I have.

  3. I have a P-touch & love it. I’ve never used a red ribbon tho. I like that option.

  4. Sherry Compton says

    Looks like an amazing label printer. I really like that there are different colors of tape. You could do one child’s things in one color, and another in another’s.

  5. John Smith says

    I’ve never owned or used a label printer, but this looks like it would be a cool one!

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