The Memory of You by Catherine West

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Disclosure: I received this book through the book tour; post contains affiliate links and I may earn a commission if you make a purchase. Opinions shared are mine.

Remember when the world of chick flicks was rocked by Under the Tuscan Sun? Here’s a similar story of hope, the one that reminds us of the power we all hold within our girlish hearts.  The Memory of You by Catherine West features a smart but broken Natalie who stands at the crossroads of her privileged life.

Admittedly, I was frustrated with Natalie at first. She seemed so out of touch with herself.  As the story progressed, my heart warmed toward her.  Her conflicted nature revealed the crisis of her mind.  It was difficult to stay mad at her!  The story is based in a vineyard where (understandably) much wine is consumed.  It’s within good taste and within context, though, so unless you’re really sensitive to the mention of alcohol, you probably won’t mind. The vineyard plays an important role in the story; it represents the refined strength that bonds Natalie’s family through generations.

Though the story wraps up with fully developed characters, I really wanted more by the end.  In a way, I wish The Memory of You was spread out into multiple stories to create a series.  It would be great to have a deeper connection with each character. The side characters especially drew me in.

There’s a gentle, understated message of faith within these pages. Guilt and shame are such powerful tools that Satan uses to bring Christian women down.
See how God brings things to good in Natalie’s life. If you’re a fan of women’s inspirational fiction, this book will be water for your thirsty soul!

Tour Giveaway: (1) Winner will win a gourmet gift basket + a signed copy of The Memory of You, courtesy of the author, Catherine West. (US mailing addresses only for the gift basket & print book prize. International winners will win a digital copy of the book.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Where you can buy The Memory of You:  Amazon ⎸ChristianBook ⎸IndieBound ⎸ Goodreads ⎸ Book Depository ⎸ ITunes


About the Book

Title: The Memory of You
Author: Catherine West
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Release Date: March 28, 2017
Genre: Inspirational Contemporary Fiction
Thirteen years ago, Natalie lost a part of herself when her twin sister died. Will traveling back to the family winery finally put the memory to rest, or will it completely destroy her?When Natalie Mitchell learns her beloved grandfather has had a heart attack, she’s forced to return to their family-owned winery in Sonoma, something she never intended to do. She’s avoided her grandparents’ sprawling home and all its memories since the summer her sister died—the awful summer Natalie’s nightmares began. But the winery is failing, and Natalie’s father wants her to shut it down. As the majority shareholder, she has the power to do so.
And Natalie never says no to her father.

Tanner Collins, the vintner on Maoilios, is trying to salvage a bad season and put the Mitchell family’s winery back in business. When Natalie Mitchell shows up, Tanner sees his future about to be crushed. Natalie intends to close the gates, unless he can convince her otherwise. But the Natalie he remembers from childhood is long gone, and he’s not so sure he likes the woman she’s become. Still, the haunted look she wears hints at secrets he wants to unearth. He soon discovers that on the night her sister died, the real Natalie died too. And Tanner must do whatever it takes to resurrect her.

But finding freedom from the past means facing it.

About the Author

Catherine West is an award-winning author who writes stories of hope and healing from her island home in Bermuda. Her first novel, Yesterday’s Tomorrow, released in 2011 and won the INSPY for Romance, a Silver Medal in the Reader’s Favorite Awards, and was a finalist in the Grace Awards. Catherine’s second novel, Hidden in the Heart, released in September 2012, was long listed in the 2012 INSPY’s and was a finalist in the 2013 Grace Awards.

When she’s not at the computer working on her next story, you can find her taking her Border Collie for long walks or tending to her roses and orchids. She and her husband have two grown children. Catherine is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and Romance Writers of America, and is represented by Rachelle Gardner of Books & Such Literary. Catherine loves to connect with her readers and can be reached at Catherine[at]

CONNECT WITH CATHERINE: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram

 Tour Schedule

Many thanks to the publisher, Thomas Nelson & Zondervan Fiction 
for providing review copies to our bloggers.

7/17 – Running Through the Storm
7/18 – Moments Dipped in Ink
7/19 – Favorite Christian Books
7/20 – Joy’s Blog
7/21 – Happy When Reading
7/22 – Splashes of Joy
7/23 – Reading is My SuperPower
7/24 – Bibliophile Reviews
7/25 – By The Book
7/26 – Reader’s Cozy Corner
7/27 – All of a Kind Mom
7/28 –  Smiling Book Reviews
7/29 – Savings in Seconds
7/30 – Heidi Reads. . . 

Check this out….


  1. Caryl Kane says

    I’m so excited to read Cathy’s TMOY!

  2. Thank you for being a part of the tour! And I love your perspective on having this into a series so we can really get to know ALL the secondary characters too! Have a fabulous weekend!

  3. Chanel M. says

    Wow, great review. I love how your review centers more on Natalie’s character arc and development rather than the romance. Although I love romance and romantic stories, one of the most powerful things in a story, personally, is the character’s journey and growth. I’m excited to read this book.

  4. wen budro says

    I think that I may have liked the wrong book on one of the instagram entries. Sorry about that. The form doesn’t let me correct it or access the right name.

  5. Looks like an interesting book.
    Thanks for the contest. 

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