NC residents: What are your kids doing this summer?

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Let’s talk about summer activities.    Soon school will be out (yay!) and then we’ll be having those daily “What are we doing today?” moments (not so yay).  What are your kids doing this summer? That honeymoon period of sleeping in and laying around the house all day gets old pretty quickly with kids.  If you work outside the home, you may be concerned with childcare arrangements throughout the summer months.  If you’re home in the summer, the kids will expect a full itinerary of activities and entertainment.  Before you know it, they’ll be asking “Can we…..(fill in with expensive, exhausting outings).”   When Carolina Summer Camps asked me to share their site with you, I knew it would be of interest to you busy moms and dads.     Carolina Summer Camps is an excellent resource for parents who live in North Carolina.   Organized by city and then by themes, this website has resources for parents in Asheville, Charlotte, Durham, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Raleigh, Wilmington, and Winston-Salem.    Summer camp was always one of my favorite weeks of the summer.   I went every year and looked forward to catching up with old friends.  It was also a good opportunity for me to learn important skills like responsibility, working with others, and enjoying the outdoors.  If your child hasn’t had this experience yet, why not consider it this summer?

I browsed through the listings and found so many camps that my children would love.  From arts to sports, there’s something for everyone!   The contact information is listed right on the site.   If you know of a summer camp that’s not listed on the site, be sure to encourage them to get online.  As a busy parent, I look to the web for local events and resources.
If your children are staying with the grandparents or another friend/relative for the summer, this is a great way to give that caretaker a break for a few hours a day.  Often you can get tuition to summer camp for a reasonable rate.   Send the link to a friend to see if they want to sign up their kids, too; that way, your child will already have a friend.   If you’re visiting family or friends in these cities why not sign up for a week as a family?
What kinds of summer camp would your child like to attend?
(I was not compensated for this post.)

Check this out….


  1. My sister lives in S.C I will have to send her the link to this. Great ideas!!
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  2. Becky Worthman says

    My LO will be learning all about outside! She’s is almost 8 months old now. Hopefully there will be trips to the park, and swinging!

  3. My LO won’t be old enough for summer camp this year, he’s due in June! But, hopefully he’ll be going away to camp when he’s old enough.

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