Summer Camps in and around Asheville, NC

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This post is brought to you by Carolina Summer Camps.
If you have an active child, chances are you’re scrambling to figure out what to do this summer to keep your busy one….well, busy!   Have you considered a summer camp?   It can be surprisingly affordable and so rewarding.  I remember going to summer camp nearly every summer when I was a child, and those are some of the best memories of my childhood.  I made lifelong friends there, and the impact on my life was extraordinary. What an amazing gift to give your child! 

Local camps and activities can sometimes be hard to find.  If you’re in the North Carolina areas of Asheville, Charlotte, Durham, Greensboro, Wilmington, and Winston-Salem, you are in luck because the camp sites have been compiled for you!  Visit Carolina Summer Camps for a wealth of information including website links and contact numbers.   The site is very easy to navigate, so you can easily find whatever you’re looking for.

Since Asheville is near my home in the Tricities, I spent a lot of time browsing the Asheville summer camps.  The first thing that impressed me was the variety in camps that are available.  The categories included art, church, sports, residential, and specialty camps.  I looked at several camps in each and found that the sites were really appealing.  They made ME want to go!  I know my kids would enjoy trying these new activities, and Carolina Summer Camps made it easy to find the camps that would be perfect for my children.

Safety is my number one concern with summer activities.  Not only do you anticipate some minor scrapes and boo-boos for kids who are active and having fun, but you must be certain of the supervision and ethics of the  counselors in charge. The F.A.Q. page has great tips about making sure your child is safe, no matter which program you choose.  It also has a lot of advice about ways to save; after all, who isn’t concerned about the cost of such activities?   One of the key suggestions is to plan early!  Take advantage of early-bird savings.

My suggestion is to ask your child to sit down with you and visit some of the websites on Carolina Summer Camps.  This opens up the door for meaningful discussions about your child’s interests and desires.  It will also give you an idea of what camp would be most suited for your child.  Have a great summer, and enjoy North Carolina’s summer camps, especially in Asheville! 

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post.  I was compensated for giving my review of this website.  The opinions stated are 100% my own and I was not obligated to give a positive review.

Check this out….


  1. Life With Captain Fussybuckets says
  2. Kathleen (aka Callista) says
  3. Sherry Compton says

    I’m so glad you talk about sitting down with your child and going over summer camps. This helps you learn more about them, bond with them, and choose a camp they will love. So many options out there and you want your child to have fun and grow.

  4. I miss being able to go to a summer camp. It was always so much fun.

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