5 Things That Puzzle Me

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We’ve had 3 consecutive snow days this week.  To truly appreciate this, you need to know that our school system prides itself on going like the USPS — in other words, we never get out of school.  This week, however, we’ve had 3 consecutive snow days due to the 8 inches of snow then sheets of ice that have decorated our roadways.  During this time, I’ve had time to think.  Scary, I know.  And I fear that these revelations will expose how truly mundane my life is, but there it is.  Perhaps you can provide some insight into these very perplexing matters of life.

5 things that puzzle me -- savingsinseconds.com

1. Lobster Mac & Cheese

Lobster is divine. Dipped in a bit of garlic butter, it’s perhaps the best food ever.  Mac and cheese is sublime, in a homey comforting way.  For me, the two are mutually exclusive as a food.  Why someone would want to taint perfectly delicious lobster by mixing it with mac and cheese is beyond me.  I don’t mind eating them separately, although I don’t think they really go together as a meal.  But together?  UGH.  Ruining two perfectly good things.

2.  Breakfast In Bed

There’s an 11th commandment that says “Thou shall not eat in bed.”  As evidenced by George Kostanza, it’s decidedly unromantic, for one thing.  My kids try to sneak snacks into bed to eat and it seems to be genetically impossible for them to eat without dropping crumbs in the sheets.  At this point I become like the Princess; you know, the one with the pea.  Sliding into bed and brushing up against a shard of a goldfish cracker makes me go beast mode.  So why do I want so badly to have breakfast in bed?  I blame it on Downton Abbey.  Of course, it will never happen because my family knows how neurotic I am against eating in my bed.  Catch 22.

3. Plain Tea

Granted, this might just be a southern issue. There’s sweet tea and…..well, there really shouldn’t be another option.  Some people want to add alternate sweetener to it; I get that.  But why just plain old PLAIN tea?   What is the point?  Why not just drink water?  Maybe there’s some kind of health benefit to it, but I really don’t see how it can be viewed as a benefit.  For me, there’s just no purpose in plain tea.  The whole reason we even have tea is to provide a catalyst for getting sugar into my system.

4.  Why did McDonald’s do away with the iconic PlayPlace? 

In our area at least, the McDonald’s buildings have been rebuilt to get rid of the play structures.  It’s the end of an era, people.  I distinctly remember playing on the McDonald’s slides when I was a child.  My mom scraped together enough money to get each of us a burger and we headed to the playground.  My brother and I climbed while she enjoyed a breather.  Thirty years later, I realized what an absolute goldmine this is.  My kids have spent many a cold Saturday morning climbing happily all over the indoor PlayPlace while I enjoyed the free WiFi….er, I mean, watching them play.  Forget walking in without paying for some food; who can actually do that when you’re smelling those fries?   We’re talking about a cultural icon here — McDonald’s without a PlayPlace is like SeaWorld without the whale show.  I can assure you that my excuse (justification) to visit McDonald’s just went out the window.  Thank goodness for Chick Fil A!

5.  What is Goofy, exactly?

Is it some social stance that Disney is taking?  Or perhaps it’s a nod toward evolutionary beliefs?  Why doesn’t it bother Mickey that Pluto is treated like a pet while Goofy is a walking, talking citizen of the clubhouse?  It seems that they’re both dogs so this makes absolutely no sense to me.

So there you have it.  These are the questions that keep me up at night.  What ponderings do you find yourself mulling about?



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  1. I also never understood, if Goofy and Pluto are both dogs, how come Goofy wears pants and has a house and kid, but Pluto is a pet? As for McDonalds, I’d be so sad if they got rid of the play place in ours. We only have one with it, and when the power goes out from storms, I practically live there! LOL.

  2. Thank you for the great laughs! I’m in Canada so lobster mac and cheese is just foreign to me 🙂 And we still, thank GOD, have play places at our McD’s! Eating in bed drives me nuts too, but we do it A LOT especially when my son was a newborn! I’ve somehow gotten used to eating with crumbs 😉

  3. My daughter loves the playplace. I hate that it won’t be around for her kiddies to play in. Yeah, it was a festering germpit, but really, everything is. At least it was fun! Also, I am with you on the Lobster Mac and Cheese. It’s like mixing a fine wine with Boone’s Farm. They are great by themselves, but mixing them just doesn’t work.

  4. Great post I hate food in the bedroom period it drives me nuts lol BUT Plain TEA? I love it! I drink hot Green Tea several times a day and it is very good for you. I use to put like 5 spoons of sugar in my tea and slowly went down to no sugar and I love tea now. 🙂

  5. I don’t understand Disneys stance on Goofy vs. Pluto either? Really what’s the difference? As far as McDonald’s…I’m a “Crazy” parent. We don’t eat there so my kids have never played in a Play Place. Oh..I love tea by the way!!!

  6. haha good ones! I do love Lobster Mac though… just so yummy. My family hails from Montgomery, AL so I too love sweet tea = )

  7. I’m pretty sure Goofy is a dog? The have Play Places here, which I find odd, because we are in SoCal, and it seems more of use in colder climates with inclement weather.

  8. I actually don’t like lobster, so I think the opposite of you – – Why would someone taint perfectly good mac and cheese with lobster??

  9. SNOW, Snow go away…
    I am tired of the snow here as well I am ready for summer

  10. I miss the old McDonalds Play places too! What were they thinking?!?

  11. I am so with you on the lobster and mac n cheese. They are two things that clearly do not belong together. Fun post!

  12. I agree with #5! Lobster Mac and Cheese didn’t appeal to me- until I had it from a place that was spotlighted on a tv show. The results- it was amazing because the mac and cheese was homemade and to die for. I also like breakfast in bed- but it has to be the right meal. 🙂 Great list and thanks for getting me thinking. Lots of fun!

  13. I so miss the old McDonalds Play area. I remember those growing up! What happened!!

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