This post is brought to you by BooJee beads. I received a sample to review; the opinions stated are 100% mine.
Carrying an ID card is stylish these days. In my sixteen (!!!!) years of teaching, I’ve gone through my fair share of lanyards. Wearing my keys and ID around my neck is not just for security, it’s essential to my organization. During the school day I’m probably asked at least 200 questions. My train of thought it in a constant stop-and-start cycle. If I carried my ID, it would no doubt be misplaced within 10 minutes of my arrival for the work day. Putting my ID and keys in my pocket isn’t really practical. For one thing, my “teacher clothes” don’t always have pockets. Also, we try to stress to our students that all employees wear an ID so they can recognize us for safety reasons. Because of that, I want my ID to be visible so my students feel secure. That leads me to the issue of style. Anytime you’re going to wear something on a daily basis, you want it to meet a few requirements. It needs to look good. Not just acceptable, but good. Maybe even great. It also needs to be comfortable. The functional aspect of something like a lanyard is clear; it needs to hold an ID badge or some other item. In the case of BooJee Beads lanyards, though, you have the added appeal of making a fashion statement.
BooJee Beads sent me two lanyards to sample. I prefer the beaded lanyards but there are many other styles to choose from. The two items I received were the Stained Glasses Beaded Lanyard and the Frosted Fun Beaded Lanyard. The beads were so bright and colorful! I also liked the ID badge holder (optional accessory, available for additional charge.) It has a sturdy rubber-type ring to hold the badge holder in place. That’s the part that always seems to break on other holders I’ve used and this one seems much more durable. Another feature I loved about these lanyards was the unique jewelry element. They don’t look like an ID holder. They really do look like jewelry!! I think this is a great idea for carrying your Disney or other room card when you’re at a theme park or convention. Hands-free vacationing sounds like a winner to me.
I’m a middle school teacher so most of my students know not to pull on my jewelry. Still, there’s always the danger issue of having something around my neck. A coach or security guard would (should!) have serious concerns about someone grabbing the lanyard and pulling. It could definitely cause harm. BooJee Beads makes this a non-issue by installing the breakaway magnetic closure. That’s a bonus feature that I really appreciate on these.
When my BooJee Beads arrived, they were wrapped in tissue and even had cute crinkles packed with them. It’s so nice to get something like this in the mail!! If you’re thinking about grabbing a set of BooJee Beads as a gift, knowing that they’re packaged so well makes it a great timesaver. There are many other products on the BooJee Beads websites, too! Check out their affordably-priced sunglasses and hair clips. You’ll want to bookmark this page for future reference; it’s a great resource for accessories!
One lucky Savings in Seconds reader will win any product of their choice from the BooJee Beads website in the upcoming School’s Out Giveaway! Which product would you choose?
These are fabulous! I wear id at my job and my lanyard’s looking tired and sad. They just wear so fast. Plus, I hate the way it looks with my clothes. Great for casual Friday, the rest of the week, not so much. These are so much prettier.
Enter the giveaway that started today, maybe you’ll win one!
This is a great and fun idea! We do this at work with lanyards that sparkle, but recently people found necklace lanyards. I have been looking and will have to check this out.