Amazon Student — book buy-back and spring semester book deals!

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Amazon student

If you’re a student heading back to college for the spring semester, be sure to look at your online options for buying textbooks.  I was really excited to hear about the Amazon Student textbook deals.  You can save up to 90% off of used books.  WOW!  That’s a budget-stretcher for sure.  If you want to rent your textbooks, just enter the title or ISBN of your required textbook to see if Amazon offers it. You can ship it back for free when you’re finished with it! Awesome deal.  Plus share the program with your friends and get $10 for each one who joins (through Jan. 31, 2013.)   Even better!   I wish I could join!

Amazon Student offers excellent benefits such as free 2-day shipping for students. Getting Amazon Prime free for 6 months is a huge discount! Plus you’re automatically entered to win a major chunk of change with your membership.
$5000 sweepstakes

If you’re still lugging around last semester’s textbooks, check out Amazon’s Buy-back program. Getting an Amazon gift card in exchange for your old textbooks is definitely better than propping up furniture with them.

Please share this information with a student you know.  It’s great to share information that can help others save some money!


Check this out….


  1. JanetGoingCrazy says

    This would have been awesome when I was in college.

  2. I always save with Amazon! Love love love!!! (I might be biased though, half my family up north works in sorting and packaging Amazon warehouses… haha.)
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