Do’s and don’ts of Amwell telemedicine #momsloveamwell #ad

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Disclosure: This is a sponsored conversation from Mums the Word Network and Amwell. All opinions are my own.

Over the summer, my daughter shared her knock-down-drag-out virus with me.  One minute I was fine, but sometime after lunch the illness hit me full force.  I spent the entire weekend in bed, not able to sleep because of the all-over body aches.  There was no way that my aching body was going to make it  to the doctor’s office! Thanks to  Amwell,  I was able to get some comfort from a healthcare provider without even leaving my house.   #momsloveamwell #ad - get your visit for less!

Dr. Charles Wallace, pictured above, was the doctor I selected for my visit. He was very professional and courteous to me.  After listening to my symptoms, he advised me to continue to rest and drink plenty of fluids.  He didn’t think I needed an antibiotic, and prescribed some medication for nausea.  He was right; within a couple of days I was back to normal.   Amwell is on my phone for good.  We’ll definitely use this service again!

According to my experience, here are some do’s and don’ts of making an Amwell call.

DO download the app and have it filled out now!  I was miserably sick when I downloaded the app.  It would have been so helpful if I’d already had the insurance information and health background on my account!

DO take advantage of the $1 visit!  Use coupon code HEALTHY38  to get this discount.  It’s a huge savings, especially for college students or those who don’t carry health insurance.   Amwell is the Amazon of health care, providing a wide variety of medical services through experienced, board certified doctors.

DO get help for any medical need. Amwell isn’t limited to physical health issues. Depression, anxiety, and smoking cessation programs are just a few of the illnesses that can be treated through telemedicine.

DON’T feel like you must “get ready” to visit the doctor’s office. With Amwell, there are no worries about seeing your co-workers or friends in the waiting room. It’s okay if you’re wearing last night’s makeup or your college sweatpants. Be comfortable in the convenience of telemedicine.

DON’T wait until morning to contact the doctor. My kids always seemed to develop their worst fevers overnight. A stomach bug or ear infection can hit at 2 AM. Amwell doctors are available 24/7 and there’s no appointment needed.  Alternately, you could arrange your visit during your lunch break or even in the carpool lane.  It’s THAT convenient!
#momsloveamwell #ad - get your visit for less!

Life doesn’t stop just because I’m not feeling well.  Let’s face it…….moms don’t get sick days.  Most of the time, I’m running between appointments, errands, and trying to feed someone at the same time.   Sitting in a doctor’s office for most of the morning to take care of my sinus infection or pinkeye problem?  It’s just not going to happen.  Thankfully, I have several doctors available at the touch of a button on my phone!


Check this out….


  1. This sounds like it would save a lot of time if you’re really busy. It’s a really neat idea!

  2. sheila ressel says

    This would be great for when I feel to sick to even get out of bed to get dressed!

  3. Nancy Burgess says

    This is great if you can’t get out to a doctor.

  4. Dotty J Boucher says

    I like the do’s and don’t and more so that when I need a dr I don’t have to feel like I have to rush out .

  5. rochelle haynes says

    This is nice to know thanks

  6. I think this is an excellent idea, and I will definitely utilize it as soon as I need it. I grew up in the good ol days doctors made home visits, this is about as good as you can get!

  7. This would be very helpful to parents or for people in rural areas.

  8. Dana Rodriguez says

    I really like this because you don’t have to leave the house.

  9. Thanks for the tips on how to get the most out of Amwell.

  10. Jerry Marquardt says

    I think this is great if you can get away with it. If you need a doctor or ER, it is no replacement.

  11. I believe this is the wave of the future and I think its a wonderful idea. Many people could really benefit from this type of service. Life is hectic sometimes and a bit of reassurance about a small illness can not only leave a person at ease, it can save them money!

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