The beauty of a handwritten note

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In the era before email and even free long distance calling, handwritten notes were commonplace. The novelty of sending a birthday card over the computer was exciting at first, but now it seems almost impersonal. Since such events can be scheduled, even automated, years in advance, it requires almost no thought to wish someone a happy day once a year. One could argue the benefits of having an e-card versus wasting a natural resource. I’m in the old-school camp. Call me traditional, old-fashioned, or whatever, but I just love the beauty of a handwritten note. In the past I was the friend who could always be depended upon to send a long letter or at least a thinking-of-you card. These days I’ve missed way too many opportunities to send a thoughtful note. That’s changing, though.

Love the beauty of a handwritten note --

One of my oldest and dearest friends has resurfaced in my life recently. While we haven’t seen each other in years, she is still as precious to me as ever. She has a very busy life yet finds the time to send me a card on a regular basis. A few days ago, I received a card from her and texted her to say thanks. She responded by saying she hoped it had made me smile. You know what? It really, really did. I’m going to make it a priority to send more handwritten notes to those I love. Keeping a stash of blank cards on hand is a necessity for that purpose. I can always count on Amy Adele to have a great assortment of personalized products. These flat cards are casual yet beautiful. It’s easy to make them fit my needs by customizing the design, personalization, and even the font and color! They arrive in a sheer bag that’s perfect for gift-giving too. My first card recipient will be my dear friend Mindy. I want to bring a smile to her face, too.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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  1. I love handwritten notes. Computers seem so impersonal to me and the person has to put more thought into a handwritten note, so it does mean more

  2. like handwritten notes

  3. Sherry Compton says

    Handwritten notes just add a special touch and sentiment. They mean you took time to think about the person and write. Nice to give and to receive.

  4. I always make my kids send a handwritten thank you note whenever someone gives them a gift or does something nice for them. Handwritten notes are just so much more meaningful.

  5. I like receiving handwritten notes, but very rarely do.

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