Buy a box of birthday cards to save time and money

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Disclosure: I received product samples. Post contains affiliate links; if you make a purchase, I may earn commission. Opinions shared are mine.

Do you celebrate your pet’s birthday? Our dog was born in August, so we always give her an extra fun day when her birthday rolls around. She doesn’t appreciate a card, though! Still, it’s worth keeping some cards in your cabinet to prevent that last-minute trip to the store. A box of basic birthday cards, blank inside, is helpful to have around!

As I’ve mentioned before, Suphouse offers a set of cards for just $9.99. That’s quite a bargain for 48 cards, envelopes, and seals! Get yours here:

I plan to keep this set of cards in my desk at work. Though my colleagues and I don’t usually celebrate birthdays with gifts, it’s still nice to give someone a little note. Since they’re blank inside, there’s plenty of room for coworkers to sign and even write a brief note.

This assortment is especially handy because it’s so neutral. The colors and designs are appropriate for any gender. These cards work for any age, too. The seals are a nice touch.

I’ve purchased bargain cards at discount stores, but they’re often flimsy. These cards are printed on firm, smooth cardstock. They’re bright white with brown envelopes. They’re smaller than cards you’d find at the store, so they won’t overtake a gift box or bag.

I’m really glad to have this set! Big thanks to Suphouse for sending me these cards.

Check this out….


  1. John Smith says

    I love finding cool boxes of card! If you live in a town with a fancy-dancy stationery/engraving store, you might have experiences like I used to–after Christmas the D.C. shop I would visit was stuffed with boxes of gorgeous cards at incredible savings! I’d buy a bunch for future Christmases!

    With birthday cards, I like variety packs–you can be sure of not repeating the same card, and there will often be lots of beautiful cards. I like boxes from gift-book publishers and similar card companies! And I often will just use beautiful cards that have no message inside–I will just *make* that into a birthday card!

  2. Such a great idea!! There are so many times when I have needed a card and then had to dash off to the store. 🙂
    The Candid Cover recently posted…Wishlist Wednesday: What I Want You to SeeMy Profile

  3. Always have a few of the birthday card, also holiday cards on hand just in case.

  4. This is genius…my girlfriend is always picking up new cards whenever we go out (she’s got a whole box of them at home) but they’re often $10 just for one card! I’ll have to take advantage of this for the holiday season next year as sending out cards to family and friends is something that I think is great to do. Buying cards individually just ends up costing a fortune though! Thanks for this.
    Dylan recently posted…How to Sell Videos Online for Cash (Beginner Friendly)My Profile

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