Books & Blankets — Baby and Toddler Bedtime Essentials

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Disclosure: For this post, I received product for free or at a discount. Opinions shared are mine.

Looking for a sweet baby shower gift? Consider a soft blanket and a bedtime book. These items can be used for years to come, helping to create a sweet nighttime ritual for the darling bundle.

My son still loves to have a soft blanket nearby at any given moment. We have a nice stock of blankets in the closet, just waiting to provide a warm cuddle. I prefer lightweight blankets, but they must be super soft. I just don’t keep any blankets that are scratchy or unpleasant. Fleece blankets are my favorite!

Bedtime books should hold prime real estate on the nursery’s bookshelf! We read with our kids before they were even born. You’ll want to have an assortment of books, from baby-appropriate up to early childhood.

A book like PJ Time is better for older toddlers up to school age children because it’s a page-by-page devotional instead of a cover-to-cover book. It has colorful illustrations and references scripture, while still remaining relatable for kids. The only thing I didn’t like was the term “Shine Your Light” because my kids would have wanted flashlights while reading this! The thoughtful reflection section is valuable for discussions before bed.


​This delightful devotional for boys and girls ages 4-8 will give kids a fun way to close out the day. Each of the 100 bedtime devotions includes a fascinating topic that explores the wonders that happen at night: sleeping otters holding hands, the moon’s glow, multiplying bubbles at bath time, and saying good night to God. Paired with the devotions are simple prayer starters that will help children learn to talk to God about their specific triumphs, struggles, and questions. Each entry includes cheerful illustrations and a final reflection on how to act out Jesus’ love and truth. PJ Time is a wonderful way to help kids settle down in their favorite PJs, spend time with God, and fall asleep in His peace.

Snuggle up with your kids as they have fun, grow in their faith, and settle down for peaceful sleep knowing that God is always awake.

Check this out….


  1. Two of my go-to shower gifts! I love picking out new books for a mom-to-be. 🙂
    Olivia recently posted…2020 YA Book to Movie Adaptations to Read NowMy Profile

  2. Looks like a cute and colorful book. THe blanket looks cozy

  3. LeAnn Harbert says

    This sounds like a great book to read with my granddaughters.

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