Buying in bulk – what’s your strategy?

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Disclosure: I received discounted product samples. Post contains affiliate links; I may earn commission if you make a purchase. Opinions shared are mine.

Whether you have a mansion with multiple walk-in closets or a tiny house with multipurpose nooks and crannies, everyone has to make choices about purchasing in quantity. Our house is smallish, so we’re hyperaware of the constant flux of stuff coming into our space. There are a few things I like to buy in bulk, though.

Toilet Paper

My habit of bulk-buying toilet paper became a habit when my kids were small and I had limited carrying ability when bringing in the groceries. These days I tend to buy it at Sam’s Club or through Amazon.

Cat Food

We have two cats, and they’re big eaters. My son is in charge of feeding the cats; he doesn’t always mention that we’re running low on cat food until it’s nearly gone….and I hate driving to the store just to pick up cat food. I buy a bulk bag of cat food every month or so. After filling a big storage container, there’s usually some left in the bag. I squirrel this away in the cabinet (just roll up the bag and close with a piece of tape) to avoid the last minute cat food runs.

Birthday Cards

We’re still in the parenting phase of going to kids’ birthday parties, and my son doesn’t always know what to buy for the birthday boy. In that case, I like to tuck cash in a birthday card, having my son write a nice note inside. A box of birthday cards can cost less than just a couple of single cards, and it’s so convenient to just grab one out of the cabinet. This box of 100 cards costs about $20, which works out to just a few cents per card.

What are your bulk buy items?

Check this out….


  1. Yeah I bought half a year worth of canned cat food, as it stores forever

  2. It is such a cost saver to buy in bulk. You just need to make sure it is something that you will use and that it will store well.

  3. As a single guy at the moment, I feel like I can never justify buying anything in bulk, but perhaps you’ve changed my mind – buying things like toilet paper or shampoo/soap might be useful, since I’ll definitely use it and that stuff can’t ever expire. Thanks for the ideas!

  4. These are such great ideas! Buying things that won’t go bad is very useful. Definitely things like toilet paper or dish soap!

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