Decorate your home with family photos and Canvas Factory

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Disclosure: Canvas Factory provided me with a complimentary print. Opinions shared are mine.

How long has it been since you’ve done something with those photos on your phone or digital camera?  For me, it’s been ages!   It’s time to change that.  I’m making an effort to decorate our home with updated family photos, and Canvas Factory makes that project so easy.    

The website is set up in a user-friendly format.   Just select the style and size you want, then upload a photo.  It didn’t like the Facebook images I tried to use (not high-res enough, I think) so I selected one from our recent Disney World trip.  It turned out so vivid and bright!  I put it right next to the front door so I can be reminded of that happy memory every single day.

Throughout the ordering process, I was impressed by Canvas Factory in many ways.  First, the customer service was phenomenal.  Customer service was so helpful when my first photo and code wouldn’t go through.  Once the order was placed, I received updates about the process.  From printing to shipping, Canvas Factory kept me informed.  It took just a couple of days for the canvas to arrive!   I loved how clean and crisp the edges of the canvas look. The photo was pulled right over the sides of the canvas so that it looks like a 3D piece of artwork.

The hanging hardware was already attached to the back of our canvas on both the top and left side.  That made it so simple to hang the print immediately.  When he saw it, my husband asked me if I was going to order more….of course I will.  I’d really like to try the canvas display, and possibly a metal print. I’ll definitely be ordering Canvas Factory gifts in the future as well!

Be sure to visit Canvas Factory to find options for your home.  They ship to Canada, too!

What catches your eye from Canvas Factory? 

Check this out….


  1. I love the traditional 10 collage canvas. I would put a family photo in the centre and then one of each of my four daughters on the sides

  2. I like the single canvas square.

  3. Jamie Williams says

    The design style I would most love to try is the Canvas Split Image.

  4. We have ordered canvases before, but never a metal print. I would really like to try that style.

  5. I love the canvas split image.

  6. Tammy Shelton says

    I would like an Aluminum PANORAMIC.

  7. I like the square ACRYLIC PHOTO PRINTS.

  8. Nicole Colletti says

    I would love to try a traditional collage or sillohouette collage! They look so pretty! Awesome giveaway! Thanks! My walls need a nice new piece hanging up!

  9. I like the 16×20 Split Canvas Prints style.

  10. I would love to try is the Canvas Split Image.

  11. I love the success landscape

  12. I really like the floating frame canvas!

  13. jennifer cervantes says

    I would live to try the aluminum panoramic, it would look so nice on my wall.

  14. acrylic glass

  15. Stephanie Phelps says

    I would love to have the CANVAS PRINT WALL DISPLAYS

  16. I would also like to try the Split Canvas Prints. This would look really good in a Living Room.

  17. I’d like to try the aluminum prints.

  18. I’d like to have one of their Floating Frame Canvas. Thanks.

  19. Tanya Guthrie says

    I like the split canvas prints. Especially the pet one where it isn’t an even split.

  20. Megan Scharlau says

    I love the split canvas idea. I’d totally go for a panoramic in that!

  21. shelly peterson says

    I like the Canvas Collages.

  22. I like the rectangle photo prints. I’ve ordered a couple of these in the past and the grandparents took them!

  23. Nicole E Ackerman says

    I’d love to try the SPLIT ACRYLIC PHOTO PRINTS!

  24. I would love to have a traditional collage canvas with pictures of my youngest daughter. I have a huge canvas print of my oldest already.

  25. Cheryl Chervitz says

    I would like the Paw SILHOUETTE IMAGE COLLAGE. Would be great for my dogs who have passed.

  26. I’d like their canvas print! It would be great for a family photo I have 🙂

  27. Such beautiful options! I would get the canvas collage with a variety of family photos.

  28. I would love the acrylic glass!

  29. I like the Acrylic Canvas. Thank you for the entry.

  30. I love the canvas wall displays sets. I love the set of 9!

  31. I like the split canvas style.

  32. I would like the GLASS PRINTS WALL DISPLAY.

  33. Mahdi Martin says

    The floating frame style is really nice. I can imagine a beautiful landscape above our bed.

  34. Jillian Too says

    I would love to try the Canvas Split Image for one of our Ireland vacation photos.

  35. Kayla Klontz says

    I’d like to try the CANVAS collage! These are awesome!!

  36. Sherry Compton says

    I like the split image. I have been interested in those, and I would love to try one in our living room. Great style!

  37. I love the wall displays. I would put some family pictures over our love seat.

  38. Ellie Wright says

    I like the PANORAMIC style.

  39. I would like to have the split canvas print in the 3 12 x 18 design.

  40. Every style is nice for a different for my bathroom or kitchen
    Collage for family room
    And, canvas in bedroom, dining and living area

  41. Angela Williams says

    I like the canvas collage set the best.

  42. I like the single canvas print

  43. Krystal Dunlap says

    I would like to have one of the split canvases!

  44. Christine Labelle says

    I would love to try the Acrylic glass. I would get a picture of my kids from our recent trip to Washington DC.

  45. Teresa A Thompson says

    Split canvas prints would be my pick. Those are awesome.

  46. The Split Canvas Prints look really nice!

  47. I’d love to get the split canvas print, those always look really neat.

  48. Paol Trenny says

    I would love to try the CANVAS PRINT WALL DISPLAYS.

  49. I’d go with a canvas collage; I tend to take a lot of pics and a group would be great.

  50. I would like to try the FLOATING FRAME CANVAS.

  51. i love the cupcake picture for our kitchen

  52. This looks like a good product.


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