Charging cord pack compatible with Samsung Galaxy Note #ad

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Disclosure: I received discounted product. Post contains affiliate links; I may earn commission if you make a purchase. Opinions shared are mine.

Chargers are at an all-time premium in the Savings in Seconds house these days. We each have multiple devices that must be charged on a regular basis. I try to keep a couple of charging cords in the car, but they keep disappearing into the kids’ hands! My husband, who never buys himself anything, has one single charging cord for his Samsung Galaxy smartphone. I was grateful to find this charging cord pack which I’ll gift to him on his upcoming birthday.

chargers #ad

I buy most of our chargers at Five Below where they’re just $5. They tend to last only a few months, but they’re cheap and do the job. This charger pack was even lower-priced. At $16.90 for 6 chargers, they worked out to less than $3 per charger. That’s a great deal! He can relax a little now, keeping one charger in the car and a couple around the house.

I was a bit concerned about the quality of these chargers. The box has a typo on it (“Paster” instead of “Faster”) and they’re just so cheap. However, I figured that they’re worth a try. I use inexpensive chargers on my own phone all the time and haven’t had any issues. These have great ratings on Amazon, too.

The chargers come in different lengths. The longer cords are secured by an attached velcro strip. I loved the cute storage bags that came in the pack!

Check this out….


  1. So important to have these on hand at home for me and the kids and at the office, etc. One needs a pack of them

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