Chippin Dog Treats and Daily Food were a hit with my dog

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Disclosure: Thanks to Chippin for partnering with us on this post; I received free samples for review. Opinions shared are mine.

Our dog has trained my husband…and the rest of us. Every time she walks through the front door, she waits for a treat. We all oblige her because she is the princess of our home. I was concerned about the amount of treats she was consuming daily, but never once thought about the carbon cost of all those treats. When I was offered a chance to give Chippin a try, I was really surprised by what I learned!

Even the cats wanted to get in on the Chippin treats.

Initially, it weirded me out to read that cricket protein was sourced for Chippin treats. Then I thought about it. My dog eats way stranger (and grosser) things than crickets when she’s running in the yard. Plus, according to Chippin, it takes only 1 gallon of water to produce a pound cricket protein, compared to the 2000 gallons it takes to generate a pound of beef protein. Wow, that data is staggering! The other ingredients in the treats were human-grade quality options I’d love for my dog to eat on a regular basis — blueberries, pumpkin, greens…..If Chippin passed the taste test with my dog, it was a no brainer.

Our little Sweetpea sat anxiously waiting for each morsel after she saw what was in the first bag. She devoured each treat as soon as I could get it to her. The cats even sat on the step to see if there was anything for them; however, the pieces and texture were a bit too difficult for them to manage.

Pretty soon she stopped waiting for me to hand-feed the treats to her. She just started snatching them.

The dog food is different from the treats — the food utilizes fresh silver carp that is sourced in the USA. Apparently, silver carp is an invasive species, so using it for dog food is a great way to manage the out-of-control carp population. My dog loved this food. She would not lift her face long enough for me to even take a picture. Normally she only eats kibble as a last resort. She definitely enjoyed the Chippin food.

Whoever said dogs don’t smile has never seen my dog after a Chippin feast. She was happy as could be. I will absolutely be adding Chippin to her treat and food rotation! I call it her Cricket Candy. I would love to see Chippin create a similar line for cats, and it would be even better if they used compostable bags for packaging.

Do you have a pet that would enjoy Chippin? What do you think of using crickets and silver carp in dog products?

Check this out….

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