Chris Tomlin Holy Roar CD #HolyRoar #FlyBy

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Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255:  “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”):  Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway.  Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation.  I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post. Post contains my affiliate links; if you make a purchase, I may earn commission. Opinions shared are mine.

We interrupt our regular broadcasting for this special announcement: Chris Tomlin’s new Holy Roar album is now available!

If you’re familiar with Tomlin’s music, you’re likely to recognize his signature style in the Holy Roar songs.  They have similar sing-along characteristics, which is why they’re so popular with praise bands and worship teams. You guys know that around here, we love Chris Tomlin.  From his music to his children’s books, his message is so positive and encouraging.

Even the titles of Tomlin’s songs warm the heart.  I love the verses that are based on my favorite Bible quotes, such as “Goodness, Love, and Mercy.

Last week, our family visited a church where my friend attends.  She was so enthusiastic about it, I just had to visit for myself!  You guys, it was so exciting to worship in that place.  You could feel the energy, joy, and spirit spiraling throughout the room.  That’s what Chris Tomlin’s songs do.

Chris Tomlin is one of the most heralded singer-songwriters in the world who
has amassed an impressive body of work. He has sold more than 8 million
albums, 11.3 million digital tracks with 16 #1 singles. Chris is one of only four
artists ever to receive the Sound Exchange Digital Radio Award for over 1
Billion digital radio streams, others include Justin Timberlake, Pitbull and
Garth Brooks. 

The Grammy® winner’s list of music awards include an
American Music Award, 3 Billboard Music Awards, 21 Dove Awards, a BMI
Songwriter of the Year Award and more. Chris’ concert tours have sold-out
venues in major cities including New York City’s Madison Square Garden, The
Forum in Los Angeles, Nashville’s Bridgestone Arena and Red Rocks in Denver, among others. This spring, Chris marked another career milestone by
launching his own imprint record label, Bowyer & Bow, in partnership with Capitol Christian Music Group.

One lucky Savings in Seconds reader will win the new Holy Roar CD! This giveaway is open to continental US readers ages 18+. Void where prohibited by law. The giveaway ends on Saturday 11/3, so enter now. Good luck!


Check this out….


  1. I love Chris Tomlin music because my brother is a worship director and will play his songs on the guitar.

  2. Cassandra D says

    I love to listen to Chris Tomlin’s music,because it is so inspirational and his music speaks to my heart in more ways than one.

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