Books I’m Grateful I Read – Christmas Time by Sue M. Barksdale

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Christmas Time #giveaway -
Just so you know…I received this book to review. Post contains affiliate links; opinions shared are mine.

Books about the birth of Jesus can sometimes be heavy on the downer meter. Many books on the miserable situation of trying to find a place to sleep for the night, the poor conditions of the stable in which Mary gave birth, and the meager supplies available to the baby Jesus. In contrast, the book Christmas Time by Sue M. Barksdale has a happy, upbeat look and rhythm.

Although we received this book to review in October, when we would normally be looking at Halloween stories, my son was immediately drawn to the bright illustrations. The swirling fonts and bouncy beat make the book stand out from other Christmas books for children. The book went on a little too long, which made my son lose interest midway through the first reading. After the second time, though, he was willing to sit through the entire book. I’m grateful that I had the chance to read Christmas Time. It was a fun way to talk with my kids about the birth of our Savior. At our family Christmas gatherings of my childhood, we always read from the book of Luke. This was a fun way to introduce that tradition to my own children.

Would you like to read Christmas Time?


Check this out….


  1. samantha wagner says

    I would love to read this with both of my children. They are 8 and 6.

  2. jeanette sheets says

    my children

  3. I would read this to my little niece

  4. Sherry Compton says

    I would read this with my granddaughter.

  5. Deborah W. says

    I would read this with my granddaughter. The love of reading is something I want to instill in my grandchildren as I tried to do with my children.

  6. Nicole Lancaster says

    I would like to read Christmas Time with my 6 year old daughter.

  7. I would read it for my Little Miss, she will be 1 year old right before Christmas.

  8. Jillian Too says

    I’d love to read Christmas Time with my godson.

  9. Patricia Wojnar Crowley says

    I would read it with my nieces and nephews.

  10. I’d like to send this to friends who are missionaries. They read a children’s book to their kids every night during advent.

  11. I’d like to read this with my twin nephews.

  12. Jeanna Massman says

    My grandson and I would enjoy reading this wonderful book together.

  13. Stephanie Grant says

    I would like to read this with my son.

  14. I’d love to read this to my little grandson.

  15. Sherry Compton says

    A friend’s little girl would love this. The bright colors and cute pictures would get her attention.

  16. Ashley Chassereau Parks says

    I would love to read this to my daughters!

  17. I would like to read this with my precious little nieces!

  18. I would like to read this book to my niece

  19. Lisa Williams says

    I would love to read this to my niece and nephew.

  20. I would love to read this with Alysia, who is seven years old.

  21. Shannon Baas says

    I’d share it with my niece.

  22. Nicole Anderson says

    I would read this book to all my children (We are very much a read together family) but I think my 2 and 3 year olds would love it the best. Thanks for the chance to add this book to our collection!

  23. I would want to read this with my youngest son.

  24. Christian Alejandro says

    I’d love to read it to my niece.

  25. beth shepherd says

    I would love this for my nephews. Thank you

  26. Stephanie Colvin says

    I would read this with my three children!

  27. Shakeia Rieux says

    I would like to read the book with my nieces

  28. I’d love to read it with my daughter.

  29. My two boys LOVE Christmas stories! I would read it to them!

  30. This would be great to read with my three children.

  31. I would like to read it to my younger brother, but someday, my future child (:

  32. I’d read it with my kids.

  33. Katherine Riley says

    I would like to read this with my grandchildren.

  34. Rebecca Niehaus says

    I would read this with my kids

  35. I would read it to my cousin’s kid

  36. I want to read this book with my son.

  37. I’d read this with my kids.

  38. Katherine Riley says

    I would read it with my grandchildren.

  39. love to read this to my little niece

  40. I would read it to my 3 children .

  41. I would like to read this with my niece.

  42. My niece 🙂

  43. Sherry Compton says

    A friend’s daughter would really enjoy the cute pictures.

  44. I’d like to read Christmas Time with my son.

  45. Sherry Compton says

    The added devotionals would be really nice for my friend’s family.

  46. susan smoaks says

    i need to read the added devotionals for inspiration

  47. would read with my niece & nephew

  48. Corey Clancy says

    I would love to read this with my daughters. On the week leading up to Christmas we read a different Christmas story every night. The Nativity storybook we have is the classic one and normally the girls do not pay much attention. This one looks like the same story but told in a way the children of today can more find appealing and be able to get into it. My husband even did ours in funny voices one year, still didn’t do any good.

  49. Laurie Emerson says

    I would read the book with my son and daughter.

  50. Cheryl Rogers says

    I would love to read this with my second grade daughter who has dyslexia. She needs cute books like this to keep her motivated to learn to read! I love the theme too!

  51. I would read it to the kids I watch sometimes.

  52. Nicole Lancaster says

    I would like to read Christmas Time with my nieces and nephews.

  53. I would love to read this to my daughter!

  54. with cousins

  55. Nicole Sender says

    I’d like to read this to my grandson!

  56. Laurie Emerson says

    I would like to read this to my children.

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