Inspired by a cool blog post about organization, I’ve decided it’s time to clean out the junk drawer. Again. We actually have FIVE junk drawers in our kitchen alone. Shameful, isn’t it? The fact that we’re storing so many unused items in these high-traffic spots means seriously wasted kitchen real estate. In the meantime, I don’t have enough places to put true necessities like my pan lids, clean towels, and other daily use items. I’ve been complaining that we have a lack of storage space in my kitchen, but the true problem is that the space we do have is filled with junk.
It’s sad, really, when the proof is in front of my face that I hoard things. After all, do I really need to hang onto pizza coupons that expired in November 2012? What about that cell phone case my husband threw in the drawer that doesn’t actually latch to his belt anymore? Oh, and there’s the nice little safety latch that we used for the fridge……seven years ago. I loved that giraffe-print Gymboree bracelet my daughter wore when she was six; now it’s time for another little girl to enjoy it. But here’s the bright side of things. If you go through your junk drawer, you might actually find some cash. I’m not talking about the random quarters that didn’t get spent on vending machines. I mean the old cell phones, ipods, and other items you threw in there when you got the new one for your kids (or yourself). Those electronics can actually be worth some money.
Gazelle offers a fast and easy way for consumers to get cash for their used electronics like iPhones, iPads, Macbooks Samsung Galaxy devices, tablets and other smartphones. Savings in Seconds readers can click through to Gazelle and earn an extra $10 on any one item with a trade in value of $25 or more! Visit Gazelle today, and see what your device is worth. You might be surprised! It only takes a few seconds to calculate your device’s value. Unfortunately I didn’t find anything of value in my junk drawer — except space for kitchen items. Right now, that’s worth a lot to me! Cleaning out the junk drawer was worth a few minutes of my busy Saturday afternoon.
**FTC Disclosure Statement: This post contains affiliate links which means that I may receive a commission if you click a link and make a purchase. Of course, this is at no cost to you.
My husband always likes the latest in electronics and I hate to admit it but he not only has a drawer of cast offs,they are stuck in the top of closet too. I’m going to check out Gazelle.