CLOSED Natural House: Moppy gets it clean!

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If you read my other Natural House product review, you’ll see that I’m really impressed with these products.  First of all, the small package contains a 30-day supply.  Love that everything is in convenient little pacs that are pre-measured.  Secondly, I love that Natural House products are safe enough for use in my house (with 2 kids) but effective enough to really get the job done.   They sent me Moppy for review and as before, I really like this product.  Here’s why!

Mopping is one of my least favorite cleaning chores.  Filling the bucket always makes a big mess, and I always feel that the dirt has just been moved around rather than mopped away.   Rinsing the cleaner off the floor is a pain, too, but otherwise the floor feels kind of grimey (is that a word?!)   Well, Natural House Moppy doesn’t leave that residue behind so even though you don’t have to rinse, the floor feels clean underfoot. Another plus is that it doesn’t have an overpowering scent.

Moppy is meant to be used with traditional buckets and mops, but it can also be poured into a Swiffer-type mop if you need to.  I have a steam mop but didn’t use Moppy in it—-instead, I just used the traditional mop so that I could see the real effects of Moppy.   You can use it on just about any household surface, too!  Follow Natural House on Facebook and Twitter.

Buy It:  Purchase Natural House products directly on their website  or  purchase Natural House on Amazon.

Win it:  Enter to win a 30-day supply of Moppy by using the Rafflecopter form below. The giveaway is open to US readers and will end on 5/31.  Good luck!

Disclosure: I received a sample of Moppy to review. The opinions stated are 100% mine. This post contains affiliate links.

Check this out….


  1. Seyma Bennett Shabbir says
  2. Rebecca Smith says
  3. Paul T / Pauline T says
  4. Jennifer P (Vicki Vix on r/copter form) says
  5. amanda hoffman says

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