BODYMATE Compression Brace for Hip, Sciatica Nerve Pain Relief

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Disclosure: I received discounted product. Post contains affiliate links; if you make a purchase, I may earn commission. Opinions shared are mine.

My husband has suffered from sciatica pain for as long as we’ve been married. His years of athletic abuse — football, wrestling, and baseball — took their toll on his back, hips, knees, and ankles. For my part, pregnancy and gravity impacted my joints’ happiness. So when given the chance to try this compression brace, I figured it couldn’t hurt worse than we already did!

Buy it on Amazon:

My husband is a big guy, and I didn’t pay attention to the measurement detail in the Amazon listing. This fits up to hip size 44″ which is not big enough for my big-hearted guy. I wish there was one in a Big and Tall size because I think it could really bring him some pain relief. I might see if I can extend the waist with an extra strip of velcro, but I don’t think it would work.

I tried the brace on for a few minutes and noticed a difference in my lower back aches during the time I wore it. At first, it was difficult to adjust the straps. I tried to take a photo but couldn’t get it at the right angle. The waist strap is wide and tight, and feels so good in a Spanx kind of way. It feels like it’s holding everything together, squeezing in a gentle way.

My mom works as a housekeeper in a busy hospital, and my brother moves furniture for a furniture store. Both of them need back support, so I plan to share this brace with them. I hope it helps them to feel better after a hard day’s work.

Check this out….


  1. Thanks for sharing the information about bodymate.
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