Crayola gifts for the stocking

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Disclosure: I received product samples; opinions shared are mine.

I always love the quiet that falls hours after the stocking has been unloaded.  The kids get busy playing with their toys, and we have a little bit of down time.  When I was younger, it made me sad when Christmas was “over.”  Now that I’m a parent, though, I feel relieved when we get through it! To that end, Crayola is still a favorite way to stuff the stockings around here.


Everyone will have fun playing with the Candy Shop modeling dough kit.  It comes with an assortment of modeling tools and molds to design fun candy creations.  The pack includes 2 dough tubs; grab a few more to make the options endless.

You’d have to live under a rock to escape the slime craze!  This pack contains 3 slyme tubs in different colors.  They’re non-sticky (somehow!) and stay together pretty well. My kids promise not to get it on the floor.  We’ll see!

What are your favorite Crayola products?

Check this out….


  1. Crayola has been an household name in our house for years!! This name means nothing but FUN!! Now Crayola has slyme a new fun toy for kids. This product is very popular and the kids will love this! Slyme can also be a stocking stuffer.

  2. I loved Crayola and clay when I was little–these tools would have made my masterpieces so much more impressive!

  3. Jeanine Bevacqua says

    We always loved the Crayola sets when the kids were small. And they’ve come out with so many new ones. They’re all so fun!!

  4. LeAnn Harbert says

    My granddaughters love all of the Play doh play sets. They love to play with slime also.

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