Add CUJO smart firewall to your home network #ad @BestBuy @cujounited #CUJO

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Disclosure: The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free

My friends kept telling me that the easiest part of having kids was the birth experience, and they were right.  Many aspects of parenting have gotten easier. My kids can get ready for school without assistance, and they can fend for themselves if I don’t feel like cooking supper.  In some ways, though, they need my protection more than ever.  Their online presence has newly surfaced, thanks to cell phones and laptops and 1-to-1 device ratios at school.  My children are curious about Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and texting their friends.  How do I protect them from online danger?  The Cujo smart firewall has my back. 

We’ve always had some type of network protection, but it was device-based.  What makes Cujo special is that it provides business-level antivirus protection combined with parental controls.  The parental controls include social media monitoring.  In my experience as a teacher, social media can wreak intense emotional havoc for families.  As a parent, my children’s interest in online access competes with homework, family time, and generally being kids.  I’ve been known to unplug the wi-fi so the kids must disconnect and make other activity choices.  Cujo has a slightly more intuitive process; you can “pause” the internet for a similar effect.

When we moved 3 years ago, we never connected the desktop computer.  We get along just fine with laptops, phones, and tablets.  Cujo understands this shift in technology; the program is accessed through an app.  So convenient!

The how-to was straight-forward and simple.  A video walks users through the process of setting up Cujo, and you can contact customer service if you have any trouble. Since getting Cujo set up a few days ago, I’ve received a few follow-up emails from Cujo.  It’s nice to be noticed!

After hooking up a few cords (I hooked into the wrong spots at first!) and downloading the app, we were set up.  The entire process took just a few minutes.  It’s time well spent, making sure my family is safe from online harm!

What’s your favorite feature of Cujo? 

Thanks to Best Buy for sending me the Cujo firewall system.



Check this out….


  1. Darcy Koch says

    I have been reading a lot about this recently. It would be great for the kids’ computers.

  2. We’ve been thinking of security a lot, it’s a shame we have to worry so much about it.

  3. Mary Gardner says

    This looks like something we could really use in this day and time.

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