Backyard Terrors Dinosaur Park in Bluff City TN

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As summer vacation draws to a close, it’s time to reflect on some of our most fun adventures from the break!  Backyard Terrors Dinosaur Park is right here in northeast Tennessee, but this was our first visit.

The park is literally located in someone’s backyard — it’s handmade and homegrown.  Best of all, admission is FREE!  We do recommend making a donation though (we left $5 per person.)  

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Ironically, we went to the Dinosaur Park just days after we saw the movie Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom.  As you can imagine, the dino force was strong with us.

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As soon as you step through the entrance, you’re greeted by HUGE dinosaurs!  Each one has an information sheet nearby.  I loved that kids were motivated to read these signs!

Isn’t it great when kids don’t even realize they’re learning?!

The dinosaur exhibits are so much fun to see.  This one had little eggs hatching!  Many of the dinos are mama & baby setups.

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When you go, be sure to look all around.  Inside this tree stump, for example, was a tiny little family of babies!

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Don’t forget to look UP, too!

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There were 40-ish dinosaurs in the park; after the first few, I stopped taking photos and just enjoyed the park.  I can’t even pick a favorite.  They all had such fun personalities!

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Since this park is located inside a wooded area, be sure to wear bug spray.  We got lots of mosquito bites as we walked; I didn’t think about spraying the kids until we were well down the path.

There’s a small gift shop located in the park.  Prices were pretty reasonable.  Take cash and maybe some change – they don’t accept credit cards.

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As mentioned, there is a little bit of reading involved in the self-guided tour.  Kids will enjoy the park without reading the signs, but it’s worth taking a moment.  The signs add a bit of whimsy through a story line.

Apparently, there’s also a funhouse in the fall!  We’re looking forward to seeing it.

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There’s a decent amount of parking at the entrance to the park.  We saw a local summer group come in via school bus while we were there.  This would make an excellent low-cost field trip or even birthday party venue!

You can definitely pack a picnic lunch or a small cooler of snacks to enjoy while at the dino park.

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Don’t miss the playground area when you visit.  There are a couple of benches situated nearby for the much needed Mommy Break.

Isn’t it great that the Backyard Terrors Dino Park is available so that anyone can visit?  If you live in the Tricities, TN area, or you’re in Bristol for race weekend, be sure to plan a trip to Dino Park!


Check this out….


  1. (Backyard Terrors Dinosaur Park in Bluff City TN) Now this place sure does sound like a lot of fun to me. I like that kids were motivated to read these signs! And I also saw that you mentioned this Dede; Since this park is located inside a wooded area, be sure to wear bug spray. We got lots of mosquito bites. I have been bitten a million times this year! 🙁

  2. John Smith says

    That sign does look quite terrifying–I might get too scared!

  3. Jana Leah says

    My nephew loves dinosaurs & would have so much fun here.

  4. Very cool park. I imagine my kids would love the dino’s

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