Essential oil stocking stuffers

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Disclosure: I received free product samples. Post contains affiliate links; if you make a purchase, I may earn commission. Opinions shared are mine.

Have someone on your gift list who likes natural products? Consider gifting a bottle of essential oils.

If you purchase a multi-pack set you can even split up the set to give multiple gifts.

organic frankincense

This bottle of Frankincense is small enough to fit in your palm, but a little goes a long way. You can get a lot of use out of this small bottle. I plan to use this in some of my moisturizers to combat the fine lines that are starting to show on my hands and wrists. My husband has a wart on his hand that is resisting over-the-counter treatments. I may give this oil a try; it can’t hurt, and he wants to avoid a dermatologist visit if possible.

Other ideas for essential oil gifts:

  • Pair the essential oil bottles with a diffuser for a housewarming gift.
  • Include a small spray bottle and a recipe for DIY poopourri for a white elephant gift!
  • Add a few drops of essential oil to a carrier oil and pour it into a rollerball applicator for on-the-go fragrance.

Which essential oils would you like to receive as a gift?

Check this out….


  1. Sandy Klocinski says

    I mostly use mine in a diffuser, usually lemon and/or lavender and I rotate in an orange/clove mixture for fall. I also use peppermint oil to make a roll-on with coconut oil for when my shoulder pain acts up, it’s sort of like a home-made Icy/hot compound.

  2. Such a great stocking stuffer. It will create memories every time you smell the essential oils….how fun

  3. Marisela Zuniga says

    Thank you for sharing, this would make a great for my sister!

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