Free books to be read – are you cashing in?

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Even though it’s summer, keeping the kids’ minds active is important.  Don’t let their reading skills slide!  Read books with your kids and engage them in discussion about what you’re reading.  Many of you attend summer programs at the library and I applaud you for that effort.  Why not let your kids “earn” some rewards with all that reading energy?

If you have a local Picadilly restaurant, check out the summer reading program.  It’s so easy to participate.  Just pick up a reading log at the restaurant and write down the 10 books your child read.  Then cash it in for a free kids’ meal!  My kids LOVE Picadilly — especially the blue jello!

How to get free blue jello at Picadilly this summer --

Now for the mamas.  You didn’t think I’d forget you, did you??  With all the book giveaways I have going on in July, you’ll want to sign up for the Tyndale Summer Reading program.

Get YOUR free book in the Tyndale summer reading program!


I read about a book a day and saw several on the list that I had already read this summer.  I submitted super quick reviews and already cashed out for a free book.  I’m working on my second!  There are also books in the nonfiction and teen/kids genres so you really can get the whole family involved.  Share this with your friends, too.  If you don’t have a need for the free book, consider donating it to your church library or perhaps a retirement home.  There is always Book Crossing which is a fun way to share books with others.  You can trade books through Paperbackswap as well.  Lots of ways to make that free book work for you!!

I was not compensated in any way for this post.  I just love sharing great freebies like this with you!


Check this out….


  1. Love books. Thanks for sharing

  2. I am definitely a reader (just take a glance at my website–). I love that this restaurant is doing this-I have never heard of them but applaud them all the same! I get most of the books I read lately from the authors themselves asking me to do a review–or a couple of groups I belong to–then of course there are the freebies that Amazon occasionally has.

  3. Great freebies, thanks!

  4. I love getting free books for my kindle! I will definitely be looking into this

  5. I love me some free ebooks! I can restock my Kindle. Thank you!

  6. What a great program! I kinda wish we had a Picadilly near us – I have an early reader and I think she’d find this extremely rewarding. I love when companies do things like this!

  7. Wow! Great to know. To be honest, I haven’t had a whole lot of time to read. I think it would kill me if I did but I do miss it.

  8. Rebecca Swenor says

    This is an amazing thing the restaurant is doing for kids. I am impressed actually. That is a really good incentive also. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Sherry Compton says

    I love programs that keep kids reading and the idea of reading to earn books is a great program. Gets kids excited, rewards them while still flourishing that love of reading.

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