Oh, the things you could write (with these pens)

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Disclosure: I received discounted products. Opinions shared are mine.

As we enter a time of Thanksgiving, there are so many opportunities to use your words to lift up someone else.

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Leave a note

Write an uplifting message to someone who could use some encouraging words. It doesn’t have to be on a fancy card. It could even be on a sticky note.

Start a gratitude journal

Take the time to jot down a bullet point list with up to 5 things you’re grateful for. Can’t think of 5? Start small — even one or two will do.

Create your wishlist

Write down a few things that would brighten your day. The catch? They have to be cheap or free! Then, post the list somewhere that you’ll see it daily. When you need a pick-me-up, choose something from the list to do for yourself.

Make a donation

It’s been so long since I’ve written a check that I actually had to order some a few months ago. Every once in a while, when we have some spare cash, I try to make a donation to a cause that we care about. Even a small amount helps.

Holiday cards

Do you send out holiday cards each year? I don’t send out as many as I used to, and I’m terrible about ordering the cards and letting them go to waste. This year I plan to send a few to out-of-town friends and family. These pens will come in handy!

What do you like to do with a good pen?

Check this out….

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