Real Ghost Stories by Tony & Jenny Brueski @UlyssesPress

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Disclosure: I received a free copy of this book from the publisher. Opinions shared are mine.

When the temperatures start to cool down at night, it’s time to think about autumn! I love this time of year; it’s perfect campfire and blanket scarves weather. Bring on the ghost stories!

Real Ghost Stories by Tony and Jenny Brueski #Giveaway

If you’ve peeked at my Goodreads page, you’ve probably noticed that I cheated a little and started reading Real Ghost Stories in August. Don’t hold it against me. I just couldn’t resist!

I haven’t listened to the authors’ podcast yet, but it sounds like a whole lot of fun. The stories in this book are entertaining. Since they’re submitted by “real” people, the stories are written in an authentic way. That is to say, they’re not polished and edited. Some of the details might make you roll your eyes a little, but it’s all in fun.

Would you like to welcome fall with this book of ghost stories? Enter to win a copy below, thanks to Ulysses Press! The giveaway is open to US readers ages 18+. Void where prohibited by law. Good luck!

Check this out….


  1. I love a good ghost story so this looks like a book I will enjoy

  2. Pauline Milner says

    Though I do not have any ghost stories of my own, I love to read books about other experiences. Thank you for this super giveaway opportunity. I would love to add this book to my collection!

  3. Christina Gould says

    I want to win because I love ghost stories. Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. Tracie Cooper says

    I am so excited to read this book!

  5. Sounds like a fascinating book.

  6. Stephanie H. says

    My family and I love reading true ghost stories and we hope this book has some scary ones to tell.

  7. Christina Sparks says

    When I was a kid I read this book called Ghost Behind Me, and I can still remember the little poem in the book. Ghost before me, Ghost behind me, no where to run, ghost will find me. I still have the book but it has been probably 20 years since I read it.

  8. Crystle Tellerday says

    a apartment I lived in was haunted by a little girl ghost

  9. I’ve lived in a lot of places with spirits…one of the left me her green card so I could help solve her murder

  10. This book sounds like a really cool read.

  11. Amanda Baird says

    I would love to win because I have been listening to this couple’s podcasts (of the same name) for several years now and absolutely love them!

  12. I want to win as a gift for my mom!

  13. I use to be head housekeeper at a Manor that was haunted. Always heard doors slamming or radios/TV’s turning on. Once I kept hearing “hello” & answering that I was in the laundry room thinking it was maintenance then right in my ear heard “hello Kim” . There was one ghost that liked to push you into tables or chairs & I still say he was the one that pushed me down the stairs & made me break my ankle! He didn’t like loud noises or complaining & that day I was overboard with both!

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