Good News Bible Stories book review

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Disclosure: I received this book and vouchers from sponsors; opinions shared are mine.

God's Good News Story Bible by Billy Graham.

Reading to the baby in utero can be such a wonderful experience.  My babies moved around a lot when we read to them. They still love to hear read-aloud stories, and I imagine that part of this is due to the fact that they’ve been listening to stories since their tiny ears were developed.  Lately my kids have been begging to hear Bible stories.  God’s Good News Bible Stories, by Billy Graham, is full of kid-friendly stories that are a treat for the eyes and ears. 

The stories use the New King James Version text, which is a refreshing change from the more commonly paraphrased stories that we often find in Bible stories for children.  I like that my children can hear the stories in the NKJV so that it’s more consistent with what they might hear at church.  While reading this book, we’ve spent a lot of time talking about the gift of salvation, the blessings that follow faithfulness, and the good news we can share with others.  What’s the most exciting promise that your children have found in the Bible?


Check this out….


  1. Robin Abrams says

    My grandkids have just started reading the childrens bible. They are really loving learning the bible

  2. Ashley Chassereau Parks says

    My daughter has 1 story Bible that she knows every story in almost by heart! lol! Her favorite promise is that the Lord will not flood the Earth again and seeing the rainbow in the sky!! 🙂

  3. One favorite promise is in Deuteronomy 31:6 about the Lord will not leave you or forsake you.

  4. Sherry Compton says

    My grandkids are just learning the Bible, and the stories about God’s love of ALL the children really interest them.

  5. Stacie Williams says

    I read Matthew 6 25-34 don’t worry because he worries about everything.

  6. Ashley Chassereau Parks says

    My child loves to hear “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 It gives her courage when she feels nervous. 🙂

  7. We love the story of Esther.

  8. Shelley Joy P says

    This is a wonderful collection of Bible stories I’d love to share with the kids. The illustrations are beautiful!

  9. The kids like the easter story

  10. Julie Waldron says

    My girls like the story of Jesus’s birth.

  11. stephanie baker says

    My girls are 5 weeks & 18 months so they don’t know a lot of Bible stories just yet. We have been exposing them, though, by reading (my toddler *loves* books) & singing songs. They both enjoy the song about Noah’s Ark & Zacchaeus.

  12. This would be a great book for my sweet nieces. I loved reading bible stories growing up!

  13. I love that this book is by Billy Grahm!

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