Disclosure: I Am a B&H/LifeWay Blogger and received a free book. Post contains affiliate links; if you make a purchase, I may earn commission. Opinions shared are mine.
When we sit down for our family meal, my husband is usually the one to vocalize the prayer. He always says a brief blessing and we all dig in. My kids are militant about holding hands while we pray; we have to make a circle with our hands and they will wait until all hands are engaged. This has been a tradition for so long that it stunned me when my kids declined to say blessing out loud on their own a few nights ago. I’m not sure if this is a new development based on a phase, age, or just general discomfort of being in the spotlight.
I want my kids to understand and believe in the power of prayer. It’s also important that they remember that prayer is our connection to God, while being for his glory — not ours.
We listen to a devotion on the way to school most mornings. The devotion always has a prayer at the end, which we silently Amen together. I might need to start modeling my out-loud prayers for my kids in between our devotions, as well as asking them to share theirs. My prayers are often whispered quietly as if in constant conversation with God. The whispering part helps me to stay focused and not get distracted. I’m not sure my kids have ever paid attention to it (they might just think I’m crazy.) I’m going to be more intentional about praying with them, not just around them.

B & H Kids Publishing sent me the Great and Small Prayers for Babies board book, and the timing could not be better. This sweet little book reminded me that prayers of gratitude and awareness can be verbalized about anything in God’s great kingdom. Each page has a cute animal and corresponding prayer. The text is short and contains basic vocabulary, so it can even be used as a sight word list for preschool aged siblings. Engaging flaps make it even more fun! Find more resources for parents here!
That’s right! It is easier for children to learn the importance of prayer as early as possible. And as they grow up, they’re going to have a prayerful life. They will grow in spirit, too, because they have constant communication with God through prayer. Thank you so much for sharing this.
Wonderful prayers for our little ones! I found them really helpful! Thanks for sharing. God bless you!
Edet recently posted…Prayers For Healing And Recovery