How to keep your dog’s short hair clean in between grooming appointments

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Disclosure: I received discounted product. Post contains affiliate links; I may earn commission if you make a purchase. Opinions shared are mine.

My spoiled, sweet little dog loves to get surprises in the mail! She knew right away that this tin box was for her. She came right over to investigate the Furbliss grooming starter kit.

Fur Bliss
Furbliss Grooming Starter Kit

This kit includes everything you need to keep your pet clean in between grooming appointments. It has a lovely lavender chamomile scent, and comes with enough product to last through several washes. My favorite product is the calming spray, which is perfect to spray on my dog after she comes in from the rain. She likes to be towel-dried then get a blowout. This spray will make her feel like the princess that she is.

The big yellow item in the kit is the silicone brush. This is so much gentler than the Furminator we use on our dog. It has a softer texture that my dog loves. The shape of the brush is ideal for holding with a wriggly pet! In the past, I’ve typically used a washcloth to rub shampoo into my dog’s coat. Now I’ll be using this Furbliss silicone brush. It reminds me of the brush I used to use on my babies when they had cradle cap.

This kit comes in a convenient case so it’s easy to transport. We’ll take our kit on our camping trips. Our dog likes to get in creeks and roll around on muddy grass. Having a refreshing spray to help her odor will be much appreciated after her frolics!

Check this out….


  1. such a great way to keep one’s pup looking good

  2. Sandy Klocinski says

    Awesome way to keep fur baby looking good!

  3. Marisela Zuniga says

    She’s so cute! Thanks for sharing

  4. Jeanine Bevacqua says

    Wow, I’d love this kit for my stinky furbaby!!

  5. Sounds like great grooming products!

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