Growing Up Social by Gary Chapman book review

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Disclosure: I received this book to review. The post and entry form contain affiliate links; opinions shared here are 100% mine.

Meet my children. Or rather, the backs of their heads. Like many kids, they’ve fallen prey to the technology draw. It’s tough to admit that I have gotten used to it, too. Most days, I’d rather text or email than call someone. Amazon delivers my toilet paper so I don’t have to walk into a store. I’ve even found a way to get medical care via FaceTime.   These conveniences are all well and good until they start to interfere with my personal relationships.  Just what are my kids doing while I’m on the computer or phone?  They’re probably on a screen somewhere, too.

Growing Up Social is a call to action for parents.   The book provides strong evidence, backed by research and statistics, indicating that parents need to take an active role in limiting their children’s screen time.  I’ve seen those families at restaurants, the ones where everyone is fixated on their own lap with phone in hand.  Actually…..I’ve been one of those family members.  Growing Up Social gives a unique, proactive perspective on this new parenting dilemma.

To see what Chapman is saying, check out this video:

Is all access to technology bad? Of course not. The premise of this book is not to convince you that you should yank your child away from every available screen. Rather, the book encourages you to be the parent in the situation. Monitor your child’s access to the digital world and carefully weigh it against the face-to-face interaction you see on a daily basis.  Be intentional about the time you expose your children to electronics.   Enjoying a family movie together is good.  Parking the kids (and yourself) in front of color-coordinated iPhones for hours on a regular basis?  Maybe not.  The book also discusses basic parenting musts, such as teaching children respect and manners.  Follow The 5 Love Languages on Facebook to learn more!

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  1. I worry all the time about how growing up with so much technology will affect my now 3 year old son. I don’t want him to think he always needs to have a screen in his face. It’s such a huge issue today.

  2. Sherry Compton says

    I love the idea of replacing screen time with family time. Family bonding brings about great memories, discussions, and love.

  3. I agree with the premise of the book, even though I don’t have kids yet. I was at Cracker Barrel last week and saw a little boy about 5 on a tablet. It’s crazy!

  4. The fact that children don’t play outside anymore. I grew up in a time where that’s all I had.

  5. Its all true and we need this book. It worry’s me they will never have true face to face conversations.

  6. Children today are no longer playing hide-and-seek outside or curling up with a good book—instead they’ve been introduced to a world of constant digital entertainment through television, video games, and mobile devices.



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