There’s something so cherished about a true heart sister. It’s not blood that binds, nor is it a family name. What really joins friends is an authentic, healthy and holy boundary that enables women to connect with each other. I have been so lucky to have many heart sisters in my life. From those who spent countless hours with me during college, to those who share the same classroom spaces, to those who put up with me during long car rides….those heart sisters are beyond just friends. They are the women who pray for me, cheer for me, and cry with me. The most important lesson I’ve learned from these wonderful women is how to be a friend.
My workplace is a source of fantastic heart sisters for me. I’ve been so lucky to meet women who are loyal and true, wishing the best for each other and always working their hardest to make kids’ lives better. My sister (in law, but I dropped that title long ago. She’s a true sister!) is my biggest cheerleader, always lifting me up and being an encourager. I count on her more than she’ll ever know. There are so many wonderful women who make my life a joy. I don’t have any biological sisters, but these Heart Sisters couldn’t be any more connected to my soul.
You may have been hurt in the past. That sometimes happens with heart sisters, too. Natalie Chambers Snapp shares how relationships can be healed, strengthened, and forged. She explains how technology can help our friendships, as well as work to destroy them. Specifically, what spoke to my heart today was the message that if someone is determined to misunderstand you, she’ll be waiting to pounce. Don’t waste your time trying to help her understand who you are. I’m going through this right now with a disgruntled reader, and it’s been a real strain on my spirit. When I read those words from Natalie Chambers Snapp, it released me from that burden. Instead, I choose to focus on those wonderful friends I’ve made online, and the terrific readers who are always so grateful for the late nights and hard work I put into my blog! You may be experiencing something similar, perhaps you’re confronted by someone who doesn’t value your efforts. Put that hurt aside and put your effort into someone who appreciates you.
If you have not enough time to read a full book, read the Do’s and Don’ts at the end of the book. This list should really be printed and perforated to serve as a bookmark. It’s an easy way to identify a true friend! It’s also the best way to make sure that you’re being a good friend, too.
Want to be a better friend and have better friends? Natalie Chambers Snapp wrote Heart Sisters just for you! She uses her own and others’ stories of successes and failures to illustrate what she has learned about girlfriend relationships. Discussion questions, space to journal, photos, and quick interviews of healthy female friendships are included within each chapter.

True relationships run deep, and you are right they are “heart.” The good, the bad, the triumphs, and the tears- your true friends are there. They fill a place in your heart and are family. To have these friends you also have to be one of these friends.