Hoo Hoo Who by Mary Maier

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Disclosure: I’ll receive the book pictured; opinions shared are mine.

I’m excited to show you the first title from a new children’s publisher Building Block PressHoo Hoo Who? written and illustrated by Mary Maier with speech pathologist Lauren Horton (February 2019; ISBN: 978-1944201142; Hardcover $17.95; Ages 2-5; 32 pages).   It’s all kinds of fun!

As an infant, my son had hearing issues due to chronic ear infections.  He had ear tubes, but by then his speech was already impacted.  After several years of struggling with the school system to provide speech services, he finally got into a speech class at the beginning of 2nd grade.  He has worked very hard for 2 years, trying to master the basic sounds of the English language.  I’m thrilled that Hoo Hoo Who makes speaking fun.  Hopefully, it will help children like my son enjoy practicing proper speech sounds!

In this kid-friendly picture book, readers help Owl figure out which guest is at the door.  It’s Mouse’s Surprise Party, but Owl’s glasses are broken so he can’t see!    Children participate in the story by using expressive language to respond to Owl’s WHO questions.  Readers get to yell, “Surprise!” and sing, “Happy Birthday” — what fun!
One lucky reader will win a copy of Who Who Hoo! The giveaway is open to US & CAN readers ages 18+. Void where prohibited by law.  MamatheFox and all participating blogs are not held responsible for sponsors who fail to fulfill their prize obligations.

About the Authors: 
Mary Maier graduated from Miami University, where she met her husband, with a degree in Art Education. She is an avid painter with a huge imagination; an important quality when raising two wild boys. She resides in Louisville, KY.    Mary has previous experience owning a publishing company for 25+ years solely based on books about the card game bridge.

Roughly 1 in 12 children have a speech or language delay, including author Mary Maier’s 3-year-old son Max, who is also on the autistic spectrum. Here’s an excerpt from her blog explaining the importance (and shortage) of books focusing on WH- questions:

“Kids with language delays work on WH- questions A LOT. Many children know their colors, shapes, numbers, letters, but not the difference between whowhat and where. These questions are the building blocks of conversations and are HUGELY important to language development. I started thinking, why didn’t I know about this? Why doesn’t every parent know about the importance of WH- questions? Why aren’t WH-question books as prevalent as shape and number books? So I started doing some research. I wanted to find something to help with my son’s language development. All I could find were books with the word AUTISM in bold print on the front cover. No parent wants to read their child an AUTISM bedtime story—so I decided to write and illustrate my own WH- series of books for all kids, beginning with WHO. And WHO better to go on this journey with than a speech pathologist?   My hope is to spread the word to ALL parents (not just to those whose children have language delays), the importance of WH- questions in language development and that they can be focused on in a fun and natural way—just like all those color books.”
Lauren Horton received her Master’s Degree in Speech-Language Pathology from Ball State University in December 2016. Lauren was born in Muncie, Indiana, but now resides in Atlanta, Georgia with her husband. 
Hoo Hoo Whowill be followed by titles focusing on “WHERE” and “WHAT”, and is the first title from Mary Maier’s new publishing company Building Block Press, a publisher of books focusing on early childhood development and thoughtful design.   Hoo Hoo Who? will be available wherever books are sold through distributor National Book Network.

WHO flash cards

WHERE flash cards


Check this out….


  1. my cousin would love this!

  2. I love how interactive this book is! My niece would love to read this!

  3. Debra Branigan says

    This sounds like a great interactive book. Thanks for sharing and providing a chance to win a copy.

  4. Rebecca Orr says

    Owls are one of my daughter’s favorite animals to read about. She would love this book. It looks really cute.

  5. Linda Fast says

    I’ve heard really great reviews on this book. My granddaughters would love to read this!

  6. What fantastic illustrations this book has.

  7. This looks like a great book. I would love to give it to my niece.

  8. This book looks like so much fun! My grandson would love this!

  9. This looks like a charming book to add to our family collection.

  10. LeAnn Harbert says

    My son teaches special education and this book will be great for his classroom.

  11. Antoinette M says

    I think this is a great picture book!

  12. Angelica Dimeo says

    This book looks so cute

  13. Jana Leah says

    I like that kids can interact with the book.

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