I feel LOSTer than ever

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A few days ago in my classroom, I was trying to explain the concept of a medieval guild to my students.  Trying to connect it to something they would understand, I used the example of the writer’s guild in Hollywood — and how they went on strike a few years ago which impacted one of my favorite shows: LOST.  Since this happened about 7 years ago and most of my students are only 11 years old, many of them haven’t even heard of LOST but they could relate to the tragedy of having a shortened season in one’s favorite show.

Then tonight I stumbled upon this article, which explains (sort of) how LOST was supposed to end.  Or how it did end. Or something.So they didn’t die?  But I distinctly remember reading an article within minutes of watching the finale, in which it was confirmed that they were dead.  Like, the whole time.  Which was a serious Aha moment for about two seconds, then I was confused again.  My husband and I even had some disturbingly heated conversations trying to figure it all out.  I actually grieved for Hurley because I wanted him to have that happy ending and never did.  But what in the world?!  Now they weren’t dead until the end?!   Someone help!!!!!

Not unlike the timewarp limbo in which this story seems to take place, my understanding of this show tumbles around in the nebulous galaxy of my brain.  All I know is, I like Sawyer’s hair better when it’s not all Biebered and I am still freaked out by the polar bear on that random tropical island.  Let’s not even mention the crazy weird black smoke.   After reading this article, I feel LOSTer than ever.  What in the world did happen on that show?!


Check this out….


  1. Oh no. I had left my LOST angst behind. Now I may need to bring it up again. LOL!

  2. After the second episode, I stopped watching. I have thought about starting over watching on NetFlix but now I’m not so sure….

    • We LOVED the series in the first couple of seasons but then it completely derailed. I still liked it but remain confused about the ending.

  3. Sherry Compton says

    I was LOST throughout the show so ended up not watching. I’ve heard it was an amazing show, but most are confused and upset by the “ending???” Maybe that is part of the intrigue….people are still talking about it.


  1. […] the episodes on a VCR if we were going to miss it.  Other series we have loved include 24, Alias, Lost, Smallville, Grey’s Anatomy, Scrubs, and then some teen shows like One Tree Hill and Gossip […]

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