TriCities Tuesday: Indian Brook Farm in Kingsport, TN

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Locally sourced beef, eggs, and produce? Yes, please!

I heart natural stuff. Just take a look at my guest post over at Moody Sisters. Since my liver went defunct, we’ve really been making an effort to go natural as much as we can with our foods and personal care products. Growing an organic garden makes me smile and is my spring/summer obsession. At some point I have to draw the line, though, such as raising my own cattle. There’s just not enough time in the day, nor room in my yard, to make that happen. That’s why I’m so very grateful for local farmers who offer organic, non-GMO foods in our area. My very favorite new place to get my beef, produce, and eggs is Indian Brook Farm.

This week I drove by farmer Wendi’s house to pick up our beef order. She had everything ready for me; all I had to was pick it up. It was easier than going to the store!! She took the time to show my kids her very cool eggs — from her special chickens that sometimes lay blue eggs. My kids thought it was awesome and so did I. We had to buy the eggs, too. At $3.50 per dozen, they are less expensive than buying an organic dozen at the store. Plus we know where they came from!  Beef was $5.99/pound which was also consistent with the prices at the grocery store. Was this a super cheap bargain?  No.  But in this case, I find that the improvement in quality exceeds the savings.  For me, it’s valuable to know that I got these goods farmer to consumer, mano a mano, with no barcodes or freezer trucks in between.

We’re excited to have a local source for extraordinary produce. It provides for our needs, is good for the environment, and helps our local growers.  I prefer this to a CSA or even the Farmer’s Market (gasp) because it’s so dang convenient.  Wendi had it all prepped, I walked five feet to pick it up.  No entering a store or even locking the car door.  I daresay that Wendi wouldn’t have judged if I’d pulled up in my jammies.  She seems like that kinda cool girl.  If you’re in the Tricities area, check out Indian Brook Farm!  Follow them on Facebook to find out what these chickens are up to.

I received no compensation for this post.  Just wanted to share a VERY cool opportunity with you!

Check this out….


  1. We used to buy eggs from a farmer but then they stopped doing that. I need to find a new one to buy from.

  2. Thanks so much for sharing. We are lucky and I have my own chickens but I was buying them from a farmer before that.

  3. I’d love to buy organic, free-range eggs. Nice ideas.

  4. Interesting. Sounds yummy!

  5. Every year my house buys a half a cow from a small local farmer. The price is cheaper than the grocery store and the meat is so much better since the cow is so well taken care of and grass-fed. I would do that for all my meats, milks, eggs, if I could find someone local. The quality really is so much better. – Katy

  6. Jenna Wood says

    It’s always great to know where your produce and dairy is coming from, and so cool to get an inside peek at the farm and the process too!

  7. This is why we are living as we do; between the goats and the chickens we know exactly where our meat comes from. Any other meat comes from local barter and deer in the woods. It’s done wonders for how we feel

  8. How neat! I used to buy straight from the farmers too but now that we’ve moved into the cities, that’s no longer an option
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  9. I was shocked when I foundout the difference between the farm eggs and organic in the store eggs

  10. When I lived in Switzerland you could go by the local farmer and she would have out two eggs. Just warm from the chicken. Oh man the over-easy’s you could make with those still make my mouth water.

  11. Dorothy Teel says

    SOunds like Indian Brook Farm is a great place, and it is neat to have one so close to you, we live in the city and I don’t know of any farms like this around here but we do have a great Farmers Market which is open on Wednesday mornings and on Saturdays that a lot of local farmers use, Appreciate your sharing this review.

  12. Sounds like a nice place to shop

  13. Laurie Nykaza says

    love organic eggs sounds so easy to get them where you are we have to go to the store its a drive.

  14. Sherry Compton says

    I love that she took the time to show your kids and explain things. It’s nice to have that personal attention and to know where your food is coming from. It’s important to trust the source. My son and daughter-in-law live in Florida and get a lot of fresh, personal fruit and produce. We are very jealous here in the midwest.


  1. […] better, they were assembled in layers inside mason jars.  I ended up purchasing more items from the farm where the salad ingredients were grown.  Inspired by the delicious salad idea, I wanted to […]

  2. […] better, they were assembled in layers inside mason jars.  I ended up purchasing more items from the farm where the salad ingredients were grown.  Inspired by the delicious salad idea, I wanted to […]

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