Disclosure: This post is brought to you by Invincible Joy; I received a book for review. Opinions shared are mine.

Invincible Joy can be achieved, but it’s a possibly rocky road to climb. In his book, Author Oliver Asher describes how a person can follow God’s dreams for happiness and personal fulfillment.
I really enjoyed reading Invincible Joy. The author described his home stomping grounds, which is right in my neck of the woods. I’ve been to his hometown several times, and recognized some of the places mentioned in his book. That personal touch always makes me feel connected to an author or story. I also appreciated the author’s candidness in describing his life history. He doesn’t sugarcoat or embellish, he just explains how God led him to where he is now.
The chapters are short; you could read this in one sitting or read a chapter daily over a few weeks’ time. The author ties in scripture to make his views relevant to the Bible. He has lived out what he preaches. The writing style is easy to read, and the author’s tone is friendly and comfortable.
You can learn more about the story behind the book and its author on this site: https://www.oliverasher.com/
Oliver is the President of Advancing Native Missions, a global missions organization.
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