Jar opener for weak hands

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Disclosure: I received free product; opinions shared are mine. Post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may earn commission.

Anyone else planning to go to the Downton Abbey movie this weekend? I can’t wait! Remember the scene where Jimmy tried to open the jar and ended up dropping it on the kitchen floor? He should have tried this jar opener.

Jar opener for weak hands:

I’ve had trouble opening jars ever since I was a teenager. For years I’ve had jobs that required me to do a lot of typing — data entry, secretary — and carpal tunnel syndrome plagued me. My weak wrists make it a struggle to grip the jar lid or hold onto the jar. Even squeezing the lid with my thumbs can be difficult.

Jar opener #ad

I was surprised at how easy this jar opener really is! It works like a strong-man grip, and it doesn’t judge if you ask it to help. The opener adjusts to the size of the lid. Once you have it snugly on the lid’s sides, turn the handle to the left. This photo shows how to use it.

I used it to open a small jar lid, but you can expand the opener to fit a wide jar as well. Forget struggling with salsa and spaghetti sauce jars! The opener is quite small, so it won’t take up too much of your kitchen drawer space either.

At less than $8 — and currently with a coupon — this jar opener would make a thoughtful gift for anyone with weak hands.

Check this out….


  1. I too had jobs where all I did was type! I too suffer from carpal tunnel!! There are some days that my one hand looks like a swollen claw! Very painful! The illustrations you have on this page are great for showing how to use this!! I am having a hard time pinning anything from your website and I don’t know why! I was able to pin from there before. Thank you for sharing!

  2. I have little hands and am often not strong enough to open the jars, so this would be great for me.

  3. Sandy Klocinski says

    I have carpal tunnel too. I could certainly use this

  4. Jeanine Bevacqua says

    Ahh, yes! My grandma had one of these that she used for years. I broke me hand in three places. I should probably get one of these, since I really struggle with anything that requires hand strength.

  5. Mary Gardner says

    This would be great for my mother. I like that it has the no slip handle and I think she would be able to use it easily.

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