Crack Yourself Up Jokes for Kids by Sandy Silverthorne

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Disclosure: I received a free copy of this book from Revell. Post contains affiliate links; if you make a purchase, I may earn commission. Opinions shared are mine.

Our family is cuh-ray-zee in the morning, like everyone else in the world!  We’re rushing around trying to get all the people dressed, all the pets out-and-back-in, and make sure everything gets packed in the car for a successful day.  Even though the mornings are busy, we’re trying to make big changes through small decisions.  The kids are packing lunch each day instead of eating school lunch.  It definitely costs more, but they’re eating fruits, yogurt, and a decent sandwich each day.  Overall, it’s a win!   If I have time, I try to sneak a little note into their lunchboxes to give an extra dose of love during the day. 

My son is in 4th grade, so Crack Yourself Up Jokes for Kids by Sandy Silverthorne is exactly what I needed for his lunchbox!  You can find pre-printed lunchbox notes, but I prefer to handwrite these jokes on a napkin or paper towel.  I usually write the joke in one corner, then the answer in another corner on the back.  Bonus:  This ensures that the napkin will be in his hand at some point, which means he might actually wipe his face or fingers with it.

The jokes in this book are funny and clean.  You’ll probably recognize a few, and they’re not difficult to solve.  Some are situational, so they require a bit more reading, while others are the basic question/answer type.  There’s a good variety, and all are appropriate for elementary age students.

There’s an added benefit of having a joke on a napkin, especially when you’re in elementary school.  Everyone loves to hear it!  Even if the joke is corny, even if everyone has heard it before, it’s something to look forward to.

jokes for kids

If your kids don’t pack lunch, consider writing down one of the jokes in the daily planner.  Just a little note can give your sweetie the boost they need to smile!

Thanks to Revell for sending me this book! 

Check this out….


  1. There’s a good variety, and all are appropriate for elementary age students.

  2. My grandkids love to play jokes and tell jokes. They have a couple of joke books that they read and tease each other with. They even ask me to buy the popsicles with the jokes on the sticks. I know they would like this book and others like them. Laughter is good medicine.

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