Waterproof Long Lasting Liquid Lip Gloss saves time and money

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Disclosure: I received free product samples. Post contains affiliate links; I may earn commission if you make a purchase. Opinions shared are mine.

I’m always so impressed by the fresh-faced people I encounter during the day. By mid-morning I’ve been teaching for hours. A few months ago, I tried LipSense and really like how the color stays on for a long time…but it’s a pricey product! If you like to use long lasting lip color while saving some pennies, try these tips.


I bought a set of 6 Lipsense colors for about $40 shipped via Poshmark. They were sample sizes which ended up being just slightly smaller than the full-size tubes. It was the perfect chance to try new shades.


Yep, it’s true. If you’re looking for it, Amazon probably has it. This Maange lip gloss set has 6 shades for around $9.99 if you use the $3 coupon. I was impressed with the bold colors, and it really does last hours. The inner part of my lips needed to be refreshed midway through the day, but overall the tint stayed on. This is a time and money saver for me!

Buy it on Amazon:

Use Lip Liner

Don’t worry, lip liner has come a long way since the 90s. You don’t have to use contrasting shades of liner and lip color. Instead, use the liner directly on your lips, shading in carefully. If you feel like it’s too drying, go over it with a clear balm.

Check this out….

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